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Bring - a - Trailer

Decent Ranger, 4x2, though. . .



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The 2.5 engine left a lot to be desired. The rest of the truck is in great shape.

Better than buying a car with photos taken from afar, purchasing it online and finding this:View attachment 441321

The new owner paid 27k for this "gem". The car is full of stuff like that. Can't see any of it from photos that show the entire car.

Way back in the early '80s, there was a car (Chevelle, I think) that was featured in several magazines. It looked good in the photos, but I saw it in person and it did not look at all good up close. I know it isn't the only case like that, but it's one that really stood out to me.

Back from Moab, here's a BII. . .

Looks like a great survivor.

Building a yellow bii it’s getting a 2000 ohv engine a late m5od and manual t case. We will use a Dana 35 ttb up front with dual piston calipers and a 8.8 in the rear, it will be done correctly with new heads and a
Proper ttb lift kit
The truck will get fresh paint and interior it is yellow on black. Will ride on 33” tires with 4.1 gears.

Think we should put it on bat?

That's in great shape. I'm starting to see the 3rd and 4th gens on Craigslist at giveaway prices.
I'm getting tempted! A 4th gen with 5.0 and 4wd, would be a great find. (Although I think they don't come that way stock.) If only AZ wasn't so far away and so HOT! And a rust free frame and undercarriage is a thing of beauty!

I'm getting tempted! A 4th gen with 5.0 and 4wd, would be a great find. (Although I think they don't come that way stock.) If only AZ wasn't so far away and so HOT! And a rust free frame and undercarriage is a thing of beauty!
Come on down in the winter, drive one home

Building a yellow bii it’s getting a 2000 ohv engine a late m5od and manual t case. We will use a Dana 35 ttb up front with dual piston calipers and a 8.8 in the rear, it will be done correctly with new heads and a
Proper ttb lift kit
The truck will get fresh paint and interior it is yellow on black. Will ride on 33” tires with 4.1 gears.

Think we should put it on bat?
Putting vehicles on BAT should be a regular thing for you. It would fund your projects, and you build better stuff than a lot I have seen on there lately.

I'm thinking I'll need to block BAT after I get the Arizona house built. Having a normal sized garage is the only thing keeping me from having more vehicles. My tastes in vehicles is all over the place, which is dangerous for a guy with a 2800 square foot garage.

I'm getting tempted! A 4th gen with 5.0 and 4wd, would be a great find. (Although I think they don't come that way stock.) If only AZ wasn't so far away and so HOT! And a rust free frame and undercarriage is a thing of beauty!
4g came with sohc or 4.6 3v (which ig is also a sohc haha) and its not so bad in winter/early mid spring its pretty nice then.

I'm thinking I'll need to block BAT after I get the Arizona house built. Having a normal sized garage is the only thing keeping me from having more vehicles. My tastes in vehicles is all over the place, which is dangerous for a guy with a 2800 square foot garage.
whats one more

I'm thinking I'll need to block BAT after I get the Arizona house built. Having a normal sized garage is the only thing keeping me from having more vehicles. My tastes in vehicles is all over the place, which is dangerous for a guy with a 2800 square foot garage.
The yard could hold whatever you wanted to buy. The garage could be the shop for working on them.

i mean you got what 45 acres? more than enough space to house a bunch of vehicles :)

Might fit the house on the car lot....
rule of thumb: if you dont have enough cars to fill the entire garage... fill it ;) sooooo if hes got 2800 sq ft an explorer is what like 16'x6'? or thereabouts? allow 4 feet around each truck so say 20x10 he can have 14 explorers

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See, you guys are just reinforcing my thoughts about BAT.
Have a 36' RV, 20' jet boat, the Explorer and my Silverado to put in there, so it's about 1/3 full already.
