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MFT Black / Blank Screen

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Looks like you have a bad/dead APIM (Accessory Protocol Interface Module). The APIM is the 'brains' of the MFT.


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Well after getting my 2012 2 years ago it has started getting this MFT Black screen. Sucks i am 3 months married and need to spend what sounds like $1100 to get this fixed. Maybe i can talk with the Ford dealer i bought it from and they can get me fixed for a better deal.

Well after getting my 2012 2 years ago it has started getting this MFT Black screen. Sucks i am 3 months married and need to spend what sounds like $1100 to get this fixed. Maybe i can talk with the Ford dealer i bought it from and they can get me fixed for a better deal.

Is the Ford FSA 12M02 that covered the extended warranty over now than? I just upgraded to a Sync 3 and pulled my Sync 2 with nav from my Explorer.

Yes it is. It was only good for 5 years from when the vehicle was made.

80 miles on mine and i got a black screen while messing around in the nav screen. After a minute or two it performed a scheduled maintanence reboot. Worked fine after that.
Try this before you spend hundreds of dollars on a new sync module. Press the SEEK》up button and the power on/off button at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds. This will reset the module. It worked for me... best of luck to you.

Try this before you spend hundreds of dollars on a new sync module. Press the SEEK》up button and the power on/off button at the same time. Hold for 10 seconds. This will reset the module. It worked for me... best of luck to you.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Just curious how long it's been since you reset it?


I pulled fuse 29 and disconnecting negative battery terminal and still nothing. The radio comes on in AM for about a 30 seconds and then turns off but still no screen.
The reboot try did not fix the problem, 2012 Ford Explorer mileage 250K km


I pulled fuse 29 and disconnecting negative battery terminal and still nothing. The radio comes on in AM for about a 30 seconds and then turns off but still no screen.
The reboot try did not fix the problem, 2012 Ford Explorer mileage 250K km

Given the age of the vehicle, my guess would be that the APIM needs to be replaced.


Thanks Peter, would you know the part number for the APIM?
Keep in mind that the APIM being the issue is just a guess but there are several posts here about the APIM on vehicles around the same year.

I'm actually surprised the part is still available. Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount.


Keep in mind that the APIM being the issue is just a guess but there are several posts here about the APIM on vehicles around the same year.

I'm actually surprised the part is still available. Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount.

Thanks Peter. After one week, my screen went back on again.

Thanks Peter. After one week, my screen went back on again.
The question now is, how long will it stay that way?


Well after getting my 2012 2 years ago it has started getting this MFT Black screen. Sucks i am 3 months married and need to spend what sounds like $1100 to get this fixed. Maybe i can talk with the Ford dealer i bought it from and they can get me fixed for a better deal.
MamaDee: There’s a guy in youtube that talks about that. I’m going to try it on my black screen today. First try a soft reset. Push the dial radio on button and the scan/tune right button at the same time for 5 seconds, you should then see the screen resetting.
fuse 29(20amp) pull out, look at it, if it’s clean/intact then replace it. It could take 3-4 minutes to come back on. When it does:
Go to settings, to systems, pull out navigation card, scroll down to master reset, hit yes, all data erased yes which will reset to factory defaults. Put nav card back in.
If it happens again, reset again but this time do not use Bluetooth/phone hook up or Nav so at least climate and radio can be used and bring to get repaired
As below
you will need an accessory protocol interface module which they will charge you for about an hour and a half to install because the whole console and screen area needs to be pulled, then behind the media hub behind it is a micro connection that will have to be recharged with new data.

Well after getting my 2012 2 years ago it has started getting this MFT Black screen. Sucks i am 3 months married and need to spend what sounds like $1100 to get this fixed. Maybe i can talk with the Ford dealer i bought it from and they can get me fixed for a better deal.
Did you ever get this issue resolved? New APIM?


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