HID's in fogs and glare | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HID's in fogs and glare

Hey guys,
Just put some HID's in my fogs. They light up the road nice, but they glare bad. I am concerned because I don't want to blind others. They are h1 bulbs. I saw inside the stock housing there is a metal reflector housing. If I remove this, will it help reduce the glare some? What's the best way to cut it down short of a retrofit?

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You can't.

if you remove the reflector bowl, it won't do anything... they'd just be for decoration then...

The only thing you can try to do is aim them down to the point where its not annoying yet is somewhat useful for light output....

Thanks guys. I guess I will try to aim them down. If that doesn't work, I will look into morimoto mini's

How exactly can you aim these down? If I am not mistaken, the housing is set and unadjustable

The adjusters,when you find them, will probably need a day of wd40 or a rust breaker soaking.
The optics in the OEM fogs are not even good for 100W halogens. They are glare monsters when aimed so you can use them and decorative when aimed low to reduce the glare.
Only way that I know of to go is projectors. Hella Micro DE can be convereted to HID.
Also check HID Planet for another brand (which I dont remember)...Blazer or something like that.

u got pics of the hids installed on ur fogs

u got pics of the hids installed on ur fogs

Well I adjusted them and the glare isn't that bad now. Fogs are purple, but they look blue in the pictures. I love them. The HIDS are quality and I switch them on anytime the truck is on. So far, no problems. I used a V-HID's kit.

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8k DDM in mains, 6k purple tint in the fogs

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