Project Air Filter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Project Air Filter


Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
Right.. as some of you might be aware I did a little modification on the airbox a few weeks ago. Whilst it's not really made that much difference there is a slight increase in intake noise when you throttle it.

I was in Halfords at the weekend and noticed a Pipercross performance air filter on the clearance shelf for a fiver! well, even tho it's not for the Explorer I'm sure I can make it fit with a hacksaw and some fettling..


Watch this space.. I'm planning on doing it tomorrow


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Right.. I'm too impatient..

I got so frustrated waiting for daylight that I decided to go ahead and do it now!

Firstly I used a hacksaw to cut round the neck line of where the filter finishes tapering and then goes straight.


I then removed the MAF sensor on it's metal coupling. It was attached to the airbox, so I undid the 4 bolts and removed it off the airbox.

Luckily the diameter of the filter was just enough to fit in the MAF and cause a tight seal. So I used a self tapper to make 4 holes in the filter, in the existing holes in the MAF, then using the 4 bolts removed from the MAF/Filter I joined the MAF back to the new filter. I then took some silicone sealant and went around the edge to form an air tight seal


I ran out of clear silicone so ended up using white.

I then refitted it to the Explorer and went for a run..

What an awesome noise.. I don't know about performance as my Ex isn't too well.. but as soon as it's up and running properly I'll report back.

So all in all this mod has cost me £5!

Hope you like


new threads idea ,mods for under a fiver hehe should roar mate through there

I've just gotta make a bracket to secure it tomorrow to stop it rattling. I'll do that tomorrow.


Here it is in place. I've left the bottom of the airbox in place for support and the filter will be strapped down with cable ties



i did something similar with one of my old supra (dont ask lol), but i took the whole airbox out as i needed the room as i have a twin coned one fitted-sound is very pleaseing though.

You can get adaptors from ebay wich makes it all look a little more tidy they are only a few quid.

good buy on that fiter though £5 is affordable lol-i got my twin system for not a lot as the shop i bought it from was stopping selling them,there loss my gain lol.

I'll probably paint the silicone black.. or get some more clear.. It was just impatience on my behalf!

