1978 Mustang II refurbishment thread | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1978 Mustang II refurbishment thread

Are we there yet? Yesterday was a neverending day. After getting loaded, another truck in the fleet blew a brake chamber, so I had to parts run. The driver and I fixed it in the dock where his delivery was. I've got 22.5 tons of aluminum flakes in bags going to a recycling center in Asheville, AL. I had originally planned to take I10 to 20 but traffic and me forgetting something at the house made 17 to 40 faster. Smooth sailing today, Oklahoma line is near and 850 miles to go. Anyone eat at the big Texan steak ranch in Amarillo?

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Are we there yet? Yesterday was a neverending day. After getting loaded, another truck in the fleet blew a brake chamber, so I had to parts run. The driver and I fixed it in the dock where his delivery was. I've got 22.5 tons of aluminum flakes in bags going to a recycling center in Asheville, AL. I had originally planned to take I10 to 20 but traffic and me forgetting something at the house made 17 to 40 faster. Smooth sailing today, Oklahoma line is near and 850 miles to go. Anyone eat at the big Texan steak ranch in Amarillo?
East bound and down, loaded up and trucking.....

East bound and down, loaded up and trucking.....
my favorite part ;) "keep your foot hard on the pedal, son nevermind them brakes, let it all han gout cause we got a run to make"

East bound and down, loaded up and trucking.....
I'm a member of the left lane chain gang. This land based cruise missile is making the final descent into Alabama this afternoon.

another truck in the fleet blew a brake chamber
Them things go out at the damnest times. the last 2 left me on narrow shoulders, and laying in a cold puddle.
I have learned to carry a spare, and swap out it myself rather than waiting 2-6 hours for our service truck, or an outside service!

Them things go out at the damnest times. the last 2 left me on narrow shoulders, and laying in a cold puddle.
I have learned to carry a spare, and swap out it myself rather than waiting 2-6 hours for our service truck, or an outside service!
Ever seen one come apart? I have and luckily it was forward facing on the axle. It put a hole through a reefer fuel tank. I keep a spare alternator, cause any shop that can lean you over, will when you pay the bill

Ever seen one come apart? I have and luckily it was forward facing on the axle. It put a hole through a reefer fuel tank. I keep a spare alternator, cause any shop that can lean you over, will when you pay the bill
Luckily No! Mine have all blown seals. Thems under alot of spring, so it's easy to see how things can go wrong.
I'm union, and alot of my brothers don't like the fact that I can't just wait it out in the cab and earn that sweet O/T. But this guy just has to keep moving...White bird must fly, or he will die! Apparently I can't stop quoting songs over here.

Sunday at 3:15 central time, Josh texted me this picture.

We have Interstate highways too.

I think I'm seeing the Tennessee River bridge...

I think you are correct. I'm in Huntsville now. I'll give you the 40 minute away call shortly.

is that a Peterbuilt?
looks like a cascadia to me by the hood line, or an international im inclined to say petes are usually more boxy

looks like a cascadia to me by the hood line, or an international im inclined to say petes are usually more boxy
yeah i thought a freight shaker as well
a shot of the dash would tell

We will get Josh to take a pic of his truck dash. I wished that we had time to check out the Semi. He headed south towards Huntsville and has a chance to beat the very bad "rush hour" that starts at 3 p.m. and goes until almost 6 p.m.. Memphis is another story though.
Here are several pics from this morning into afternoon.










Josh will help me sell it. I would take the 4.0 and A4LD out of this '92 2wd if someone wants to buy it for a 5.0 project.
Shipping might could be arranged.
Thanks Dustin owner/operator of CAMEL TOWING. If you are in the Huntsville Alabama area and need a tow, look him up.

Thanks for the tour. Not everyday you get to see several trees growing through one mustang. Kinda makes me sad to see that. The reason I want a 65 or 66 mustang is no emissions. My 68 cougar sees the rollers every year. How much are the fees to get a clear title for that 99 crown vic?
The truck I'm driving is a 2015 freightliner cascadia. Ex swift fleet truck. I've bought several over the years, cheap and dependable. I've got 2 cascadia trucks and a Columbia. The Columbia is my favorite, 60 series Detroit that's been turned up. I've done a disc brake conversion. The picture with the tow truck, I recovered him, he backed off the road trying to turn around at night.

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Thanks for the tour. Not everyday you get to see several trees growing through one mustang. Kinda makes me sad to see that. The reason I want a 65 or 66 mustang is no emissions. My 68 cougar sees the rollers every year. How much are the fees to get a clear title for that 99 crown vic?
The truck I'm driving is a 2015 freightliner cascadia. Ex swift fleet truck. I've bought several over the years, cheap and dependable. I've got 2 cascadia trucks and a Columbia. The Columbia is my favorite, 60 series Detroit that's been turned up. I've done a disc brake conversion. The picture with the tow truck, I recovered him, he backed off the road trying to turn around at night.

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The tow truck needed a tow truck?
I loved the Detroit 60, my brother has worked wrenching Detroits 40 years now and would always crank it up a tad. Now they only deal w/ marine applications.
One of the pluses of my(assigned) Volvo is the D13(and I-Shift), we'll skip the minuses.
It's been 14 years since I've driven a Pacaar, since the factory is up the street maybe high time to contact the dealership.
Safe travels

The tow truck needed a tow truck?
Yeah, one of those times, without a picture you'd never believe it. Detroit engines run forever and you can them into the dirt. I can get almost 2 million miles out of a 60 series before it needs a rebuild.
The drivers side rear strap needed some additional tension within the first few miles, I caught it before the passenger fender ended up in the wall

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I'm glad you checked the strap tension. You could use a wireless, bluetooth? camera in there. I hope the way west Huntsville and Madison (city) drivers were courteous. If I was a truck driver, I would have run some little car over by now. "What was that caclump sound?"
Josh, Should I add the missing picture of you and the '92?
