1995-2001 explorer model choice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995-2001 explorer model choice


July 26, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
96 limited
Hi guys, I am new here and I am looking to purchase an explorer. Out of the years 1995-2001 explorers, are there any years or models I should try to avoid? Is the v8 more reliable than the v6? Also, is the 4.6 v8 better than 5.0 v8?

I don't know where to start, I only know that I would prefer a 4 door.

Thanks so much

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95-01.. You had 3 motor choices..

4.0 SOHC V6
4.0 OHV V6
5.0 V8

The V6 platforms have a weak transmission. The V8 has a better tranny but your limited to fulltime AWD or 2wd but with the fulltime you can change out the t-case for a selectable t-case.

I'd go with a v8 one myself.

so with the v6 you can shift to 2wd or 4wd on the fly but with the v8 its only either 2wd or awd?

are there any years of the v8 that would be more reliable than the other years?

thanks again

The V8 was available factory only as a 2WD OR as a full time AWD.

I would get the newest/lowest model year V8 you can afford, none of them really suffered from any major issues. Probably cracking manifolds, but that was it. They're all pretty stout and similar unless you want the newer GT40P heads, which were mid-97+.

right now the only options i have within my budget is a 1999 explorer limited v8 with about 140000miles for about $3000 or a 1996 explorer v8 (not sure which exact model but i know has leather) with only 62000 miles for about $3500.

the newer explorer only problem is drivers heated seats doesnt work.

the older explorer problem is tail light needs replacing.

go with the much better mileage one for a little more?

how about the explorer sport v6s? transmission is the same? weaker or they are actually ok?

I wouldn't be afraid of a 140,000 mile V8 if it was well maintained. I sold a 110,000 mile V8 for a over 200k+ V8 for the rust issues alone. How are the bodies? rockers, etc?

i actually havent seen the explorer yet. just emailing them right now.

but i'm pretty sure he is the 2nd owner and has maintenance records. probably not since new but he does have them. seems like he did take good care of it.

the 1996 however is the original owner. not sure how well it was taken care of though.

how long do the engines usually last? up to 300k miles or more?

does the 1999 explorer limited v8 with 144,000miles for $3000 seem like a fair deal if everything is maintained well?


From what I gather from up there, $3k doesn't seem out of range, but you might be able to get it for a few hundred less, especially with gas going up even higher.

The Sport V6 would use the same transmission, the V8 does have a heavier trans. Also with the V6 (if an SOHC, not an issue with the OHV) will be a timing chain tensioner issue.

I would definitely look at the 62,000 mile truck though, if it was running the entire time (not stored and drying up seals for a few years) it might be a nice find.

The engines can go 300k+ if maintained well, either one.

cool :)

so with the v8 i will see less mechanical problems... only maybe a tad bit worse on gas but not not different from the v6?

Overall, the V8 powertrain does seem to run with less major issues. All of them will have common wear items go bad, but the major issues are less with the V8.

As for economy, I get better mileage with my V8 than I did with my V6. It's really within the margin of error, there really wasn't a noticeable difference between the 6 and 8 in real world use.

You haven't said what you plan on doing with the Explorer you want to buy.
This will make a difference in what you buy.
What are you going to be using it for? :)

I would recommend either finding a 4.0 OHV with the 5 speed manual (rare in the 4 door), or the v8 as said above. I have both in these configurations and these are the best of the 4 explorers I have owned.

Using it mainly for snow and maybe hauling some stuff for camping. Probably won't be towing much though. So yeah, snow and the occassional camping trip.

I think I prefer a 4 door, but the 2 door would be fine too. How much space is there in the back seat of a 2 door?

Virtually the same room, but it's a smaller width seat in the rear. If you use the rear seats much, it can be a pain to deal with the seats to get back there. I owned both, and didn't realize how much I didn't miss that hassle once I went to a 4-door. Especially if you're going to be camping, etc., the space is just more useable in a 4-door.

yeah i own a 2 door mustang now. dont use the back seats much but whenever it gets used i think to myself it would be a lot more convenient. Looks like it would have to be a v8 then :)

how about the expedition? do you guys know much about it? gas mileage wise, it is way worse than the explorer? thanks

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Not a whole lot worse, but the Explorer really is an easy to navigate size compared to the size of the Expedition, especially in parking lots and in your garage. For the size vs. how much can be used, the Explorer wins hands down.
