2000 V8 won't start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 V8 won't start


New Member
October 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Hayward, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Eddie Bauer V8 AWD

I have a 2000 EB V8 AWD with 138K miles. Vehicle has been starting just fine for the last 2.75 yrs, then second time today went to start it and it just seems like it doesn't get any power to the starter. The lights, guages, dings, and slight relay click in engine compartment all appeared as normal, but nothing else, no starter noise at all. The battery seems very strong as far as the head lights and interior lights, but nothing to the starter. I've checked all the fuses in the engine compartment fuse/relay box, no issues.

Any clues??? Thanks you!!

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I would go and get the battery tested just to be safe. It is probably the original and may need replacing. I have seen them fake it before. Voltage is strong, amps are weak.

Do the 302's have a crankshaft position sensor?? Soundsl ike what happens on my friends saturn when the crankshaft position sensor went.
