2002-2005 FAQ regarding lifts, tires, etc | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002-2005 FAQ regarding lifts, tires, etc

what about the rancho quick lift? I had spacers 2/1.5 spacers and realized when i went offroading the spindles slammed the coil springs and killed them in the front.... to be honest the ex does way better stock! ok ok ok getting to my point i bought the quick lifts and they are SWEEEEETTTTTTT!
I just installed Rancho QL also, but only got about a 1/2" in the front. The back was about 1 3/4". My goal was to get 33" tires on my 02 Explorer. How much lift did you get with yours?

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I have a 2002 Exploerer XLT, and have been told pretty much that it cannot be lifted. I read the post and replies on here and need help, to see if there is anyway to lift my explorer. I would really like to do a suspension lift.

Please Help.........

Brandon at BTF Fabrication makes strut spacers for our trucks. Standard size 2.25" front and 1.75" rear which gives about 3" of lift and levels out the truck too but you can get them smaller in .25" increments. Run a search for BTF spacers and you'll find all you need to know.

I have some similar spacers for sale that were made by another guy (who no longer is in business) and they are 2.25"/2". Click on the link at the bottom of my post for details and let me know if you are interested.

Ok so I understand the idea of max tire size before rubbing. but that is for wheel wells, my question being what is the largest tire to fit in the stock spare location?

I was just wondering, is a 2002 explorer frame the same through 2005?

02 Eddie Bauer

Im trying to run 285/75/R16s on my 02 Eddie bauer...would a 3in body be enough clearance? I was trying not to have to get spacers cause one of my buddies had them on his chevy silverado and they wore out and his tires fell off

can i lift my 02 2wd sport trac?

Hey guys ive got an 02 explorer and needs a tune up. Was wondering if anyone could give me parts list tgat i would need for tune up. Thank you

Iv got some 2.25/2 RB lift spacers waiting to be installed... but im not sure what tire to put under it. Iv seen people run the 285 75 16. The price diff between the 265 and 285 is small and id love to run a bigger tires. I was wondering if anyone has some personal experience and pics behind this.

With 285's you'll have rubbing on the inside of the wheel well when turning and flexing off road. If your looking for the biggest and the price difference is minimal, I say go for the bigger tire.:thumbsup:

does anyone know where i could get some BTF spacers? and where to get installed?

call brandon at (909)-702-7462. you can get them installed at a shop in your town. it costed me 80$ to get my front spacers installed.

h ok nice thanks a lot. Did you hav to like specifically tell them what to do at the shop and did u get the control arms too?

oh ok thanks ronin. Do you plan on gettin the control arms when they come out?

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