2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted

:eek: Looking good!! :eek:

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a couple from my part of oz, south wa nothing radical


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a couple from my part of oz, south wa nothing radical

Your X looks good off-roading. Looks like thats where its supposed to belong. :D

great shots kppc, cheers icecube

those r sum sweet pix!!!!

Nice nite shots. I've got a bunch of my explorer with long exposures as well.

Hit a quick trail yesterday. Was a pretty easy trail with a few cool side attractions. The EX really surprised me with a few climbs it accomplished. Was around a 100 mile round trip and I used less than a quarter tank.
Heres a few pics:




And heres a short vid of one coolest and shortest climbs ive done. The video makes it seem pretty lame but this is definitely the steepest rock ledge ive gotten over. I had a pic of the ledge from the front but I somehow managed to loose while uploading from my camera to computer.

Great pics! I wouldn't have dared tried that hill climb in the video.
Do you take your bull bar off when you take your X off-roading?

Yeah I like having the tow hooks incase I need them. Thankfully, the only time I've needed them is when I had to pull someone else out! I'm gonna post a writeup pretty soon on how to install that bull bar with a body lift. Found a way to mount it so that it doesnt sit below the frame!!

I'm definately interested on the mounting, curious on how it would be done. When you say so it doesn't sit below the frame I assume you mean that would only work on Xs with Body Lifts?
I want to get a way to have the bull bar and tow hooks. I may have to do some custom metal working.

I'm definately interested on the mounting, curious on how it would be done. When you say so it doesn't sit below the frame I assume you mean that would only work on Xs with Body Lifts?
I want to get a way to have the bull bar and tow hooks. I may have to do some custom metal working.

Yeah I think I found a way to mount the bull bar and tow hooks but it would look pretty funky. The way I found would have the bull bar sitting higher and in the middle of the frame instead of below it.


Great Pics Fella ! strong work on the climb as well :thumbsup:

Very nice Miller time. You lock your diff yet it will help you climb. too bad we all live so far apart it would be fun to off road with other Explorers.

Hey Brad where is that? Kinda looks like Switzerland but not sure.


first post

not my explorer. its a buddy's and I am posting for him. he wont ever get around to it. lol. enjoy!!







WAY TO GO MOSES ! :notworthy

great shots lol :thumbsup:

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I want to remove my running boards first... I know exactly where i would go too...

what size socket wrench did you use to get yours off ?, also id imagine ill need something to loosen up the rusty bolts...
