2003 Lariat Super Crew "Husker Larry" | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Lariat Super Crew "Husker Larry"

Sometimes I thing the insurance pays it off and the least damaged ones, the employees buy. Someone hit my Jeep back in 2017 and the other guys insurance really wanted to salvage it even though it was just an axle it needed. They seemed extremely shocked I took the money and fixed it. What I didn't tell them is that I already had all the replacement parts cause I was swapping in a different axle.
Insurance companies can be really ignorant at times. When I drove through water with my Tbird and broke a rod, the insurance company agreed to pay for the damages. I got a quote for a salvage engine and said I'd install it. They said we can't do that, you need a quote from an established shop. So, I went to a shop owned/operated by a friend of mine and he gave me a quote for a rebuilt long block, plus installation. The quote was much higher, but the insurance co. said "OK" and wrote me a check. I had enough to buy the salvage engine, a set of PI heads, and multiple other upgrades.

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Insurance companies can be really ignorant at times. When I drove through water with my Tbird and broke a rod, the insurance company agreed to pay for the damages. I got a quote for a salvage engine and said I'd install it. They said we can't do that, you need a quote from an established shop. So, I went to a shop owned/operated by a friend of mine and he gave me a quote for a rebuilt long block, plus installation. The quote was much higher, but the insurance co. said "OK" and wrote me a check. I had enough to buy the salvage engine, a set of PI heads, and multiple other upgrades.
They are ignorant when it comes to repairs but they know how to raise rates really well.

Well, no more ability to play cassette tapes.

Larry got a new radio today, to enable rear camera more than any other reason.

Turns out the hole in the dash wasn't quite double din size. Priced dash kits and decided to cut first. If I can't live with it I'll get the dash insert. Didn't turn out too bad. Going to try to get camera installed tomorrow.

It's amazing the world of a difference a good radio makes.

That looks great! Does it have android auto or whatever the IPhone equivalent is? I've been aching to get one for Clifford.

That looks great! Does it have android auto or whatever the IPhone equivalent is? I've been aching to get one for Clifford.
afaik looking on woot it does.

That looks great! Does it have android auto or whatever the IPhone equivalent is? I've been aching to get one for Clifford.
Haven't used those features yet, but it's supposed to.
So far I am amazed at the features. The sound is ok, not going to lie you'll need more power for thumping , but it does have better sound than factory. Probably because of the equalizer tone adjustments.
