2008 NWE gathering | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 NWE gathering

Here's the list I have of folks attending;

Albino-2 people Friday night
JRGaylor-2 people Saturday Morning
Diff Whack Daddy-2 people Friday Night
Arsoul-2 people Friday night
Arsoul's Sami friends-2 people Friday night
Paul-1 person? Saturday morning
Bobthekat ??
Spdrcer34-3 people Saturday morning
JPistheman ??
SnowExploder-2 people
GreenBeer ??
96explorerXL4x4 ??
92 Jalopy-Maybe
Totaled-1 person?
Silencing Thunder- No dinner guests-Friday night
Urbanistic1-2 people
Urbanistic2-1 person
Aeaglefitch2-?? Maybe??

Aeaglenfitch- Working
Farmtruckman- Porperty hunting in Omak
ma96782-no response
Mysticcalm-no response

Now to finish packing and hook up 'Casa de Blanco'

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Well my bf got the Dodge all fixed up, so thats a go.
We just discovered a new coolant leak in the Explorer, but we are pretty sure its a freeze plug and shouldn't prevent us from coming this weekend. We'll just need to keep an eye on the coolant level. :rolleyes:

So, we'll be meeting Jrgaylor at the Safeway on Saturday morning bright and early. :thumbsup::D
It's gonna be pretty sweet, I'm excited!!!!

Safeway at 8:30 or the trailhead at 9:30.

Cb channel 4
walkie talkie channel 4 code 0


Phil -

Just me (for dinner Saturday) and a good chance I'll be out there late tomorrow afternoon.

Looking forward to it.

'91 Sport

Have fun, I wish I could be there... :(

Take lots of pictures, I want to see what I missed while I'm slaving away at work. :rolleyes:

IM campin no matter what... shoot man Ive been waiting to go campin for a while now :D

I'll bring an instant shower hehehe!

Someone post a final message with directions, times, etc... as Im confused a little... or I just smoked too much today grr LOL!

mannnnnn... i wanna gooo. anybody wanna do it again next weekend?

Someone post a final message with directions, times, etc... as Im confused a little... or I just smoked too much today grr LOL!

Safeway at 8:30 or the trailhead at 9:30.

Cb channel 4
walkie talkie channel 4 code 0

The adress for Safeway is:
23961 NE State Route 3
Belfair, WA 98528

From Safeway:
From the Safeway parking lot, Right onto NE Clifton Ln which will merge with NE Roy Boad RD in 1 block.

Heading West, go straight through the intersection with Old Belfair Hwy, ONTO SR300 (aka NE Shore RD) Continue approx 3.4 miles to NE Belfair Tahuya RD.

Turn Right ONTO Belfair Tahuya RD. Continue approx 1.75 miles to NE Effendahl Pass Rd.

Turn Right ONTO NE Effendahl Pass RD. The new camp site should be before the last Left turn, on Effendahl Pass RD.


Thanks Katie.

The new camp site should be before the last Left turn, on Effendahl Pass RD.

Should be pretty easy to spot when you get there.

Tick tock, tick tock...... Just waiting for lucnh time to go pick up the boy from school and be on my way.

Is the 830 safeway meet on Saturday morning? Where we campin tonight???

hey seriously is anybody up for this next weekend?!

Is the 830 safeway meet on Saturday morning? Where we campin tonight???

People are meeting at the Safeway Saturday morning.
The directions I posted are to the camping area which people will be arriving at tonight.

TicToc TicToc

Just waitin for the kid to get home from school, then to brave I-405.

I have phone numbers for;
Kevin (Diff Wahck Daddy)
Joe (JRGaylor)
Paul (Paul)
Tim (92Jalopy)
Ryan (Arsoul)
John (96explorerxl4x4)

Many of you ahve mine by now.

TicToc, TicToc

BTW, I have a HUGE roll of raffle tickets!!!!!!!!!nudge, nudge, say no more, eh, eh

should i start a thread for next weekend? who would be willing to go? we could go to a different place too if we decide to

I finally got the explorer ready and loaded up see you all in the morning

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....Well, I'm the first one that got home after the meeting....

I missed the meet @ Safeway this morning, but me and the wife decided to take some trails in our Green Explorer, solo....I freaked her out pretty good a couple times. We took a few trails that she thought we would NEVER make it...but we did....Then we took those same trails a few different times... We are ALL STOCK, even our tires are all season radials....but the X did AWESOME on the trails we hit...We never got stuck, never had to be rescued, not a SINGLE problem all day long.

The worst carnage of the day FOR US was on our way to Jimmy D's, I hit a speed bump in a parking lot, and it disconnected my Muffler on the White X...I guess it's too low....LOL

All in all we had a GREAT time...Especially when the other (non-X, non-Ford) guys were seeing us on the trails, we saw them look at the X and the look in their eyes was priceless....

To all involved in the planning and prizes, your organization and execution was spectacular. We think it was a very successful event. Good times, great people.

We look forwad to doing it again in the summer!

Ryan & Kim
Speed & Trixi
