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2022 ST Radio and Map not displayed normally on engine start.


June 6, 2022
City, State
Hilton Head Island
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer ST
Anybody having problems with Sync3 map and radio. My 2022 ST started tuning in a static filled AM station and no upper map display on eng start.
I've tried everything I can think of for auto tuning a station and map settings. No help. Still running the original 2022 Sync3 update but will be updating this soon. Still, it was working fine on the previous version.

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If your on SYNC 22251 that caused issues for a lot of people. The newest version 23188 has solved most of them.

If your on SYNC 22251 that caused issues for a lot of people. The newest version 23188 has solved most of them.
The issues were precisely the ones described above. As of 9/3/23 my problems are all resolved by installing 23188.

If your on SYNC 22251 that caused issues for a lot of people. The newest version 23188 has solved most of them.
Thanks Dale5403
Will be at the dealership next week and will have them do the update on Sync3 and maps too if not part of 23188.

Thanks Dale5403
Will be at the dealership next week and will have them do the update on Sync3 and maps too if not part of 23188.
Did your dealer install the latest update? My 2020 Aviator updated both Sync and Maps over WiFi. Unfortunately, my new 2023 Aviator came with the previous versions. I updated Sync to 23188 using a USB drive I had made ready for the 2020.


Did your dealer install the latest update? My 2020 Aviator updated both Sync and Maps over WiFi. Unfortunately, my new 2023 Aviator came with the previous versions. I updated Sync to 23188 using a USB drive I had made ready for the 2020.

After waiting over 6 hours for an oil change and Sync3 update the map and radio were still not working any better than when I arrived at the dealership. I had the service manager come out and
get the radio to play the station I wanted to play on starting the vehicle.
He at least got it to show on the home screen as a choice but it still won't come on from a new start. Had to get back home so told him I'd be back. $58.00 for nothing! Got on line to see if I could see what they downloaded for the Sync update. Surprise... Sync showed 3.4.22251 The same update they loaded last time. Going back and let them try again or pay me back and I'll do it myself from now on.
Thanks for your help.

After waiting over 6 hours for an oil change and Sync3 update the map and radio were still not working any better than when I arrived at the dealership. I had the service manager come out and
get the radio to play the station I wanted to play on starting the vehicle.
He at least got it to show on the home screen as a choice but it still won't come on from a new start. Had to get back home so told him I'd be back. $58.00 for nothing! Got on line to see if I could see what they downloaded for the Sync update. Surprise... Sync showed 3.4.22251 The same update they loaded last time. Going back and let them try again or pay me back and I'll do it myself from now on.
Thanks for your help.
Version 22251 is the one that has caused a lot of issues. Go to https://www.ford.com/support/sync-maps-updates/ and follow the directions to update to the newest version 23188 and do it yourself. If you have any questions just ask.

After waiting over 6 hours for an oil change and Sync3 update the map and radio were still not working any better than when I arrived at the dealership. I had the service manager come out and
get the radio to play the station I wanted to play on starting the vehicle.
He at least got it to show on the home screen as a choice but it still won't come on from a new start. Had to get back home so told him I'd be back. $58.00 for nothing! Got on line to see if I could see what they downloaded for the Sync update. Surprise... Sync showed 3.4.22251 The same update they loaded last time. Going back and let them try again or pay me back and I'll do it myself from now on.
Thanks for your help.
I don't believe they will do an update on the Sync version for you. When I pointed out that my new vehicle had the old software version I was told that unless there was a directive to update the software, they said it would be a customer's responsibility.
I noticed today that the vehicle was doing a WiFi update which I'm guessing might be the map download since I already did the Sync part.


Version 22251 is the one that has caused a lot of issues. Go to https://www.ford.com/support/sync-maps-updates/ and follow the directions to update to the newest version 23188 and do it yourself. If you have any questions just ask.
Yup... I guess we are in a time that if you want something done RIGHT!
Thanks for the site info. I'll give it a shot.

Yup... I guess we are in a time that if you want something done RIGHT!
Thanks for the site info. I'll give it a shot.
It's ALWAYS that time
you get the best results that way too

I don't believe they will do an update on the Sync version for you. When I pointed out that my new vehicle had the old software version I was told that unless there was a directive to update the software, they said it would be a customer's responsibility.
I noticed today that the vehicle was doing a WiFi update which I'm guessing might be the map download since I already did the Sync part.

Hi Peter My dealership did a Sync update and billed me $58.00. Nothing seemed to have changed so I got back on the computer
and found out how to pull up the current update version of Sync I have. Supprise, Supprise, same one I came in to the dealer with.
3.4.22251 So going back to the dealership this morning. They can try again, I'll check for the correct version and if not installed get
my money back and update it to 3.4.23188 myself with a USB.

Hi Peter My dealership did a Sync update and billed me $58.00. Nothing seemed to have changed so I got back on the computer
and found out how to pull up the current update version of Sync I have. Supprise, Supprise, same one I came in to the dealer with.
3.4.22251 So going back to the dealership this morning. They can try again, I'll check for the correct version and if not installed get
my money back and update it to 3.4.23188 myself with a USB.
You can find out which version of Sync and Maps you have by just going to the Sync screen and selecting Settings. Then scroll across and select Automatic Updates. There you can scan for available updates and check which version you are on for both Sync and Maps.

