4WD locked in 2WD by mechanic | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4WD locked in 2WD by mechanic


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Newtown, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT
Hey guys.

I bout my 97 Ford Explorer more then a year a go, and the owner told me that the car had transmission problems but he had fixed it and in order for him to save $300 the mechanic had to lock in 2WD. Now I'm interested to make it 4WD again, so I took it to a shop and he checked it for me, first he said the transfer case was unplugged, after we plugged it in, the transfer case motor was working fine, but he told me that the old mechanic put the fork the wrong way. He said he can take out the transfer case and and fix it for about $200 + the cost of parts, witch I have no idea how much they are. Anyways I found a used transfer case for around $80, is it easy to install it at home? and should everything be working fine after that?

Thank You for your time

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The previous owner must have not known anything about cars & either the mechanic didn't either & ripped the guy off.

The transfer case has nothing to do with the transmission other than getting power from it. I would say the t-case in your Explorer now is likely bad.

It should't be too hard to swap t-cases just make sure the used one works first. $80 sounds cheap to me but I could be wrong.

I know otheres here have done this so your questions will be answered.

Yes, it is easy to install. If you have the tools. Do you have a transmission jack, or something similar to hold the transfer case while you remove the old one and install the new one?

Should everything work fine after that? Who knows. If you just try to install the $80 transfer case without checking, it might work and it might not.

The price your mechanic quoted you, $200 plus parts, to fix the existing transfer case is not a bad price at all once you consider the labor to remove and reinstall the transfer case.

How did your mechanic come to the conclusion the forks are installed incorrectly?

Hey arya6000, just wanted to inform you that the transfer case from the junk yard has to be from a 97. Your vehicle can't use one from a 95-96 because the front output flange is different -- and your vehicle cant use one from 98 and up because those don't have a VSS sensor in the back (which would disable your speedometer). If you do get one from a 98+, you could swap out the back half of the casing but thats slightly more involved.

Thanks for the info guys.

I'm not sure how he knew the fork was on the wrong way, he did not let me in the shop after he checked a couple of things. And thanks for telling me about the 96 and 98+ Transfer cases, cause the one that I saw on eBay said 96 to 98, I'm pretty sure the seller is not aware of this. I'm gonna look more on the Internet to see what I can find, but it is possible to change the transfer case without a transmission jack? like using only ratchets and wrenches?

Edit: I know this a very rare case, but do you guys know what could possibly be wrong in the Transfer case? The motor works but it does not go to 4WD

possible to change the transfer case without a transmission jack? like using only ratchets and wrenches?
Yes most definitely. The transmission jack only makes it easier. But if you dont have a transmission jack, you will have to support the transfer case as it comes down. The transfer case isnt too terribly heavy but it does have sharp edges. So i usually use one of those rubber mat things you use over the carpet to protect it. Just put one of those on your knees or something and support the transfer case with your knees as it slides back and down.

I know this a very rare case, but do you guys know what could possibly be wrong in the Transfer case? The motor works but it does not go to 4WD
If the vehicle can not get into 4HI, first make sure there is power going into the transfer case's electromagnetic ring (use a multimeter or something).
