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91-09 Explorer 5" of lift for under 300.00

are the rear bumper brackets compatible with earlier models do you know? the reason I ask is that I've fitted later model bumpers to my Explorer.....


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You can also do a Add-A-Leaf in the rear instead of the shackles or with the shackles. You need Part number EXP13120 35.00 from www.4wheelparts.com and here is a great write up on how to install them by a member on here V8BoatBuilder...http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/...ad.php?t=97676

Just to be clear, does AAL and Shacks combined do a compound lift as in AAL(1.5-2.5) + Shacks(2) = 3.5-4.5"? Or do they just compliment one another and help maintain height? EDIT: Also, if I plan to do the entire 5" of lift, am I going to have to worry about any domino effect in terms of bigger shocks, longer brake lines, longer battery cables, etc, etc, or should I be fine with not having to change anything? I just wanted to know if there was anything else that I would need to get to make this process as smooth as possible. Thanks. :salute:

i wondered that too Shadow. will the aal and shackles be too much lift since you can get almost 2 inches in the front from the tt? i would like to do the aal too but i dont want it to be higher in the back and be noticable. your rig looks perfect 99ex22.

295? You will need a plasma cutter to get those to fit with just the TT/153 mod. Even with a 3" body lift, you still might have to trim the bumper and fender in the front. You might want to spend some time searching the forum, do as much reading as possible on lifts and tires. Knowledge is power, and power will save you $$, headaches, and reduce reddness in the face.


To point you in the right direction, start with this thread.^^

I had 285's on mine for a while with these mods and never had a single rub, even beating it off road. I stepped up to 33's and only had to trim a little of the plastic on the cab side of the wheel wells.

Well, I just bought the PA 883 from Summit, so it should be here by around Mon-Tues, so hopefully I can get it done over my Spring Break. Once everything is taken care of, I'll def get some pics posted up for you guys. Thanks again.

Man I wish this was posted about a month or two back :D lol woudl have helped alot.

Now I just need to save up for tires and BL :D TT and Shackles done.

you get about 3" total lift with aal and shackles. You do not have to replace shocks or brake lines.

you get about 3" total lift with aal and shackles. You do not have to replace shocks or brake lines.

So I guess that will lead me into my next question as to whether or not I should try to even out the front with a TT to 3" or if that would place too much stress on my front end. I'm 2WD so no trouble over the CV joints, but I'm still pretty new to all things 'Car', so I wanted to see what I would be getting myself into if I extended the TT to 3". I know it will cause premature wear, but would it be significant enough to worry about or could I just disregard it? Thanks.

if your 2wd you will be fine with 3 inches. the ride will be really rough though. Just stick with the 2 in front. It doesnt look bad being an inch higher in the rear.

I'm going to add this to the sticky thread on lifting explorers. Great writeup.

This should be a sticky!

Very good info here, good work.

you get about 3" total lift with aal and shackles. You do not have to replace shocks or brake lines.

mmm not really, you should only go 2 inches high in front if you are 4wd and when i did my TT and shackle I gained 2.5 inches in the rear and 2 inches in the front. I think it depends on the shackles you use cause i didnt use the warrior shackles.

mmm not really, you should only go 2 inches high in front if you are 4wd and when i did my TT and shackle I gained 2.5 inches in the rear and 2 inches in the front. I think it depends on the shackles you use cause i didnt use the warrior shackles.

When he said 3", he meant in the rear with the AAL/Shacks Combo. Also, he was directing that comment towards me, in which case I have 2wd, so i myself can TT up to 3", it's just not highly advised, due to such a rough ride. You are right though, 4wd past ~1.75" starts binding the CV Joints.

I just spoke with Performance Accessories on the phone to ask the difference between the PA 853 and the PA 883 kits.

The guy I spoke with said that I'd need to buy a different bolt pack due to the Explorer having a single floor pan. Is this really true?

The only other difference he said were the bumper brackets and steering extension....


I just spoke with Performance Accessories on the phone to ask the difference between the PA 853 and the PA 883 kits.

The guy I spoke with said that I'd need to buy a different bolt pack due to the Explorer having a single floor pan. Is this really true?

The only other difference he said were the bumper brackets and steering extension....


Yup, the Ranger has more mounts due to the Bed. The bolt lengths are diff on the EX. Basically your only buying the spacer pucks, the drop down brackets, the steering extension, and with the 883 the bumper brackets for the rear. The rest is up to you to find, and buy separate.

I ended up with a bunch of useless parts in the box when we were done with mine. The extra spacer pucks are going to make some nice over sized wheels for my BBQ Grill!:D

I have the bolt lengths listed on the first post. The kit had them in it.

All right, so just to make this clear. I just got my 883 yesterday, it's gonna be another week before I install it, so I've got plenty of time to ask questions. If I'm reading this correctly, the bolts that come in the kit do not work for the 2dr Sport, so I'm going to have to go with the bolts listed in the first post? I plan on doing the TT/Shacks/883 first, and then, if I want more lift, AAL/HigherTT. I'm going to pick up some PB Blaster tomorrow as well as some more threadlocker (The tube of threadlocker that came with the kit randomly had a hole in it and leaked all over everything :mad:) Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm relatively new to this whole process, just wanted to make sure everything gets done right the first time. Thanks again. :salute:

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im not sure about sports, I would do exactly what the guy did in the instructions to be safe.
