91 X. Have 4 HI, but no 4 LO | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 X. Have 4 HI, but no 4 LO


June 9, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Tucson, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Hi everyone. I am going to set fire to this piece of s*** if i cant figure this out. I have a 91 x with the elec. t-case. I can shift from 2 hi to 4 hi all day long, however, i have no 4 lo. I have replaced the shift motor, the switch in the dash, and the shift control module. The case can be shifted in to lo range manually, but not with the button. When the lo button is pressed the module can be heard clicking, and the module passes the self test. Anybody have any ideas or tips, because as of now i'm lost.

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also, does anyone have a manual shifted 1354 that they would be willing to part with?

Sorry for the stupid question, but.
Does the light on the dash blink when it is depressed?

sorry to be asking a stupider question, but are you in neutral? If it's a stick I think it needs to have the clutch in and the parking brake on or something like that.

You have replaced a lot of stuff for this not to be working yet.

The light in the dash does not blink when the button is pressed. And the trans is in neutral with my foot on the brake.

I found my solution today when i was doing absolutely nothing at work. I took a 6 wire double pole double throw rocker switch. wired it to reverse the polarity of the output when pressed in the opposite direction. all i did was cut the power wires to the t-case motor ( the yellow and the orange ), and ran the two outputs from the switch to the motor. Now when i push the switch one direction, the motor spins clockwise, and the other counter clockwise. I left the position sensor hooked up to the computer so the lights in the dash still light when the motor is moved. So I hope this will help anyone that has the same problem as i did.

Excellent solution, glad to see you got it working.
I was thinking about the wire that goes from the switch to the shift control module could be broken, if you haven't checked it with a VOM for continuity. If you think it is broken, run a jumper wire between the two and see what happens???????
Just my thoughts on the situation.
