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stuck in 4 lo


New Member
August 23, 2008
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City, State
kamloops b.c.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 xl
91 explorer , 4wd switch works, control mod tests good in cargo hatch. got the shift motor working top notch, (thanks to helpfull hints)but 4 lo does not want to move easily. i bought it at an auction, knowing it was stuck in 4lo for $250. tried to manually shift into 4 lo by t case nub past the 4wd shift motor, but the shaft bent and twisted before it shifted into 2hi. i found the t-case needed a quart of atf.
can the t case shift shaft be seized? any special tricks to changing out? looks like all i need to do is remove the drive shaft,skid plate and remove 5 t-case bolts and shes out. any suggestions of fixing this problem without paying money for a new t case?

So you removed the t-case shift motor and tried turning the shaft and it bent? A t-case from the junkyard is like 50bucks? I belive around here.
