'93 XL on Full-width D44 and 9-inch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'93 XL on Full-width D44 and 9-inch

Hey all, don't know why I took so long to officially register it, maybe because It will never really be done, but anyway has been officially SAS'd for a while so here it is.

The axles were from a 78 (79?) F-150

-I`d like to give special thanks to the great members and organizer's of this site for input, info and support over the years. Thanks for the stimulating conversations as well. Rick, thanks for turning me on to my addiction. Thanks anyone involved for allowing me to go to Moab with y'all in '04, actually while I think of it thanks again Jefe for helping me get my coil back in on the trail in Moab. Have I got everyone? Too many to list - You know who you are!Thanks to my wife for not complaining too much over all the money I blew. Thanks Riley for helping me with the SAS. And finally thanks FSM ;).

I did do an extensive write-up of the entire history of my mods which I have recieved many thanks for, it can be found through the link in my sig. All mods from the beginning to yesterday, so please help yourself.

I`ll put up a few pics, as if there isn't enough kicking around here already.
flexramp 1.JPG
Hope Mtn FSR sept 084.JPG
Hope Mtn FSR sept 082.JPG

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:cool: very nice x! I have read all your posts they have helped with my sas, and I am almost done with it just finishing the 4.88s in the front, some paint and reassembly. I even bought the same steering set up you recomended from complete off road. Thanks for all the detailed info

Outstanding photograpy!! Perfect desktop wallpapers.

Looks good. Thats what I plan on doing. Do you have any pics straight on from the front and what size tires do you have? I need to make the decision whether or not to do full widths

One front on pic before the 4 inch flares went on, and a current rear view...
Got 35X 12.5 on there now and 5.13 gears


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Thanks. Do get any problems from the police with the tires sticking out?

man sick truck! looks like the front is pretty stiff, how does she ride?

I got 4 inch flares on there now and have never been bothered, but I don't normally just drive around town; I drive out of town, to the bushes. The fronts stick out from under the flares just a smidgeon, but the back is great and the mudflaps protect others who drive behind me.
I think how your ride looks has a lot to do with being singled out, if it looks like a heap it will certainly attract attention.


-The front is almost too flexy, I could handle it being a little stiffer actually. It is a very smooth ride when offroad and aired down though, so you got to make a trade-off somewhere.

too flexy...sounds sweet!

sorry if im asking a question already answered in your thread, but what coils are you running?

Without referencing my build thread, I believe they are "wildhorse" 5.5 " lift Early Bronco springs.
Could be "Wildhorses" hmmm.

Whereabout in BC do you go wheeling? Might be going on a roadtrip soon from Saskatchewan to BC and fancied doing some offroading.... any good suggestions?



Thanks, that thread is amazing! We've only got a standard 97 XL right now, my truck is nowhere near ready to be safetied, so we'll be using Sarah's... so probably best to just stick to the backroads I think...

Thanks again!


Hey when and if you come here, you need to go to a gas station, or grocery store and ask for a "backroads mapbook" Southwestern BC edition is where most of that thread is centered around.

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nice rig man, im in B.C also, in aldergrove. where abouts are you?
