95-01 projector headlights from Carpart4u | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95-01 projector headlights from Carpart4u

Has anyone taken these headlights apart?

Here's what happened:
The guys there were nice enough to honour the group buy price for me and so I purchased headlights from them.

Now, one of the headlights don't have the projector mounted on the top(The projector its self flops up and down in the headlight). I'm guessing the mount broke in shipping.

I'm in Canada, so its an expensive affair to push for warranty fom Carpart4u as shipping and customs is expensive and time consuming.

I think I can fix this if I can get the headlight apart. Even if I take all the screws out, the headlight is still sealed with sealant. Im wondering if heating the headlight will allow me to seperate the two pieces.

The down side is: If I melt the headlight, Im going to have to buy two more headlights, and will most certainly have voided any warranty.

Suggestions anyone?

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contact henry if you can. when the group buy was on, he stood behind any , and all problems guys where having.

Hey, a fellow Toban. Cheers!

I tried contacting on their web site last week, and sent a direct email today.

I'm hoping something comes from the direct email as I didnt get a response from the web site 'contact us'.

Im in Winnipeg. Nice to see local guys here. The specs on your truck look great.

Henry emailed me and didnt suggest I attempt putting the headlight in the oven and will exchange it.

Great service, considering the pain in the butt, and the cost to do this. I guess on my side, the factory headlight will go back in while the shipping happens.

Anyway, 2 thumbs up for carparts4U.

Has anyone looked into what it would take to change the bulbs for the halos?

when you get it back, i will have to meet up with you somewhere. i want to see what those look like in person.

when you get it back, i will have to meet up with you somewhere. i want to see what those look like in person.

Sure, no problem.

Im sure you are in Winnipeg Sometimes, and I do find myself in Selkirk once in a while.

Has anyone looked into what it would take to change the bulbs for the halos?

Let the hijacking begin.

Sheesh, you never learn. :rolleyes:

Back to the post at hand, I've had a lot of time playing with these lights, but I haven't had the need or desire to open them up. I'd definitely consider working with Henry to get a set that works as they're supposed to. Those things are well packaged and I can't see them breaking in transit. As much as it may be a hassle to send them back, I would.

Sorry to hear that happened. Of all the people that got them on the group buy, I don't think anything like that materialized. Henry and Byron are good guys. I'm sure they'll work with you to resolve the problem.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I only mentioned it in this thread because he mentioned internal damage.

I only mentioned it in this thread because he mentioned internal damage.

If you want to learn about swapping out the LEDs in your lights, why not post your own thread about it? The original poster of this thread had a completely different and unrelated concern. You know this isn't the first time people have asked you to stay on topic. I don't like to come across as an arse, but sometimes you just don't seem to get it and I'm not one to bit my tongue despite the fact others do.

You seem like a nice kid so don't take it so personally as you have in the past.

Anyhow, now I'm hijacking the thread. :rolleyes:

End rant.

Good one!

Im going to send the headlight back. I'll be a one eye'd bandit for a while, but I certainly appreciate what is being done for me. It's huge.

I will be pulling the headlight this weekend to get it sent off. I'm sure I could have fixed it if I could just be sure I could get the headlight apart. As Henry said, 'To Risky'. I do think this is far more than most companies will do for you on internet purchases.

I know I will be making sure if I'm ordering something like this in the future, I'll be checking with carpart4u.com first. I'm tempted to purchase tail lights, but the wife will string me up. Never know though, could happen.

Good one!

Im going to send the headlight back. I'll be a one eye'd bandit for a while, but I certainly appreciate what is being done for me. It's huge.

I will be pulling the headlight this weekend to get it sent off. I'm sure I could have fixed it if I could just be sure I could get the headlight apart. As Henry said, 'To Risky'. I do think this is far more than most companies will do for you on internet purchases.

I know I will be making sure if I'm ordering something like this in the future, I'll be checking with carpart4u.com first. I'm tempted to purchase tail lights, but the wife will string me up. Never know though, could happen.

I agree. They're great guys and unlike so many of those resellers that operate out of the same location in SoCal, they actually have service.

Glad to hear you're being taken care of. :thumbsup:

hey how do I upgrade to HID bulbs in these things?


Haha.. funny you guys...
"If you want to learn about swapping out the LEDs in your lights" What?...The Halo bulbs aren't LED's?.. o.o I changed out the outer most corner with the white/blue LED's that are in the other spots.. looks good. Ok. Back on topic:
Anyways.. good to hear you got it all sorted.

Quick update to this:

The guys at carpart4u.com came thru for me. They were extremely easy to get along with and earn a 10/10 on this.

I have both headlights installed, and the last thing I need to do is pluck power for the led's from somewhere in the engine bay that only has power when the ignition is on(This will give me my daylight running lights). I think it was mentioned somewhere here to look at the winshield washer pump connector for this.

Looks great, performance is great, I'm a happy guy.

IMHO, they'd suck as DRL. They're not very bright. I could hardly make out the halos in the light of day. All moot now since I cut the wires to the halos. Not my kinda mod.

That all being said, I'm in the midst of a 2+ week road trip and I've done three drives that had me driving through the night. These projectors are awesome with a set of HIDs. I've been very pleased. :)
Posted via Mobile Device

IMHO, they'd suck as DRL. They're not very bright. I could hardly make out the halos in the light of day. All moot now since I cut the wires to the halos. Not my kinda mod.

That all being said, I'm in the midst of a 2+ week road trip and I've done three drives that had me driving through the night. These projectors are awesome with a set of HIDs. I've been very pleased. :)
Posted via Mobile Device

Your right, the halo's don't do much of anything. I'm hoping the corner led's will work for DRL's. I have them working now, I just need to have a look at the truck from a bit of a distance with them on.

I'm pretty happy with the headlights, and hid's.
