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97 Ranger Fuel Tank Removal


New Member
February 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I’m trying to remove the gas tank from my 97 Ranger XLT. I’ve been able to disconnect the fuel lines, the filler neck and the tank brackets. The tank is loose but I can’t get out. The back of the tank won’t drop far enough to clear the rear axel. The front part of the tank goes over a cross member and does not allow the tank to angle down enough or slide back to come out. Is there any trick I’m missing?

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welcome dj

Just wondering why you have to drop the fuel tank... Unless it is leaking, any repairs can be made easier by sliding the truck bed out of the way.

Drop the cross member.

If you are changing the fuel pump take the bed off. Couple friends and about 15 minutes and it is off, the pump changed and the bed is back on.

Why you pulling the tank? Like Rockranger said its alot easier to just pull the bed off. All you really even need to do is unbolt it and prop it up on one side.

I know this thread is old guys but I'm having this issue with the 98 I've been working on, the tank doesnt really want to come out and also one of the fuel lines won't come off, one has a plastic fitting that came off easy and the other looks like a crimp fitting with a metal clip holding it on, I removed the clip but the line still won't come off, I need to drop the tank to work on the frame rail and crossmember without exploding (also one strap was bad)

Should I cut the front crossmember out? It needs to be replaced anyways but I can't imagine you cant drop the tank without taking out the crossmember...

I’m trying to remove the gas tank from my 97 Ranger XLT. I’ve been able to disconnect the fuel lines, the filler neck and the tank brackets. The tank is loose but I can’t get out. The back of the tank won’t drop far enough to clear the rear axel. The front part of the tank goes over a cross member and does not allow the tank to angle down enough or slide back to come out. Is there any trick I’m missing?
hi -- i know this was a long time ago, but did you end up getting it out? we are facing this situation right now.
