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Adding Navigation Later

To answer your questions regarding navigation in MFT and Sync. If you have purchased a 2011-2014 Explorer or anything with MFT and Sync and it did not have Navigation from the factory there is NO way to turn it on period. The best and least expensive solution if you want navigation in the touch screen can be found here: You cannot buy the maps, you cannot have the dealer turn it on, you cannot do anything with it if it was not put in from the factory. This unit takes about 30min to replace, no wiring changes just plug and play. $569.00. I don't work for them I just bought one after searching for answers.

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To answer your questions regarding navigation in MFT and Sync. If you have purchased a 2011-2014 Explorer or anything with MFT and Sync and it did not have Navigation from the factory there is NO way to turn it on period. The best and least expensive solution if you want navigation in the touch screen can be found here: You cannot buy the maps, you cannot have the dealer turn it on, you cannot do anything with it if it was not put in from the factory. This unit takes about 30min to replace, no wiring changes just plug and play. $569.00. I don't work for them I just bought one after searching for answers.

Don't work for them but your three posts have been linked to them?

Here's the Ex page:

Nice thing is it offers video, but I'd be highly concerned about how well this integrates with SYNC, heating/cooling. I see the head unit comes with the temp controls below the head unit itself, but I'm just skeptical.

Also don't like the look of the screens if you scroll down the link and $569 for a head unit that has all these features? Must be made in China by a Chinese electronics company which would make it a no go for me.

Unless I saw other people purchase this and put up YouTubes showing how well it works I'd be highly skeptical.

To answer your questions regarding navigation in MFT and Sync. If you have purchased a 2011-2014 Explorer or anything with MFT and Sync and it did not have Navigation from the factory there is NO way to turn it on period. The best and least expensive solution if you want navigation in the touch screen can be found here: You cannot buy the maps, you cannot have the dealer turn it on, you cannot do anything with it if it was not put in from the factory. This unit takes about 30min to replace, no wiring changes just plug and play. $569.00. I don't work for them I just bought one after searching for answers.

I still STRONGLY disagree with you Chris. It can be done. You just need a service tech willing to try.

Now as far as that aftermarket link you have provided, this unit goes by many names and models, but most come back to the model S100.
It also goes by the model NAV-F7426.
Its a very cheap model made in China.
They put this same generic S100 unit in every car under the sun. Just go to eBay and type in s-100 navigation.

You loose your sync and I believe you loose your factory camera.

The AC/Heater part is the only interesting part of this unit, but having said that, you have to be careful because there are 2 different models of the climate controls.
If you look at the pics in this first link, you will see the 2 different heater controls. I assume one if for Explorers with a Sony stereo and the other without. My question, how do you control where the climate blows on the unit without those controls because I don't think it goes on screen.

Here are some links to this unit under different names:]

You can also goto and type in s100 and you will find a bunch of videos about this unit. I see some people using a stylist. I hope you don't actually have to use one.

Gee have you checked where the factory stereo is made? Check the pic

Donguan Clarion Orient Electronics Co. Ltd. China

Gee have you checked where the factory stereo is made? Check the pic

Donguan Clarion Orient Electronics Co. Ltd. China

Chris, your taking their post out of context. There are some great things made in China and then there's the junk. I remember years ago brands like Goldstar starting to take over at department stores. Cheapest junk you could buy.
Reminds me of all those junk no name tablets being made right now.
Sorry to say but that S100 looks like a real hooptie.
Tell you what, you buy one and put it in your Explorer and do a review for us here.
Who makes the maps for these? Can you even update them?
Also you loose the hidden USB port we plug our iPods into because you have to use a USB port on the front of this stereo, and you lose you Sirrius satellite radio unless you buy a portable and plug into Aux.
Another kicker is the spoken navigation direction come out a external speaker like the iGo system does.
Too many loses for me to even consider it.

Gee have you checked where the factory stereo is made? Check the pic

Donguan Clarion Orient Electronics Co. Ltd. China

iPhones are made in China. There is a difference between electronics and computers designed and engineered in the U.S or Japan and set to be manufactured in China under the quality control of say Pioneer or Sony or Apple, compared to some unknown, copycat Chinese manufacturer. Clarion, which you mention for the Ex stereo system, is a Japanese electronics company with a major manufacturing plant in China under their quality control. I trust known Japanese companies like Clarion when it comes to electronics.

Maybe Chinese companies will get there some day on electronics quality, but they are not there yet by a long shot. Yeah, I'd consider a Chinese $60 Android tablet knockoff as a spare and just to surf the net on Wifi, but it would not be my primary tablet for business using the Microsoft Office suite and storing important files, and for something as important and as integrated on the Ex as the MFT, SYNC and climate control - no way I touch a Chinese knock-off.

Same reason I did not get a Chinese knock-off head unit for my Saab even though it does not have SYNC or climate control integrated. I got a Pioneer AVH-P4200DVD and it does everything and more than the MFT does for touch screen/music/videos/nav/Bluetooth/USB/SD, etc. but it does not have voice commands like with SYNC, though I can use voice commands over Android and Bluetooth. I would have upgraded to a newer sports sedan by now due it having an aging head unit that only took CD's with no Bluetooth, but that 2005 Saab 9-5 Aero has every other modern feature you can get like ESP, self-leveling and corning bi-xenons, rain sensing wipers, rear heated seat, you name it - plus it is as fast as a comparable year Porsche 911 turbo 30-70 and handles great with the sport/Aero suspension so Pioneer allowed me to keep that car. A Chinese knock-off would not have cut it from what I read about reliability issues. Was never a consideration - and that was not as complex as integrating SYNC and climate control.

Same reason I won't pay $220 for a Chinese knock-off of a Saab direct ignition cassette for my Saab. On the Saab forums they have over a 75% fail rate within 6 months for those who have bought them and you are left stranded with a dead car. The OEM for $350 works and lasts for years.

Now, for the basic coolant bypass valve which is a plastic part, I've had a cheap Chinese knock-off in there for a few years with no prob.

No way I go Chinese make, design and build for something as complex as the MFT/SYNC/climate control.

If Pioneer or Alpine built that unit on their specs and quality control in China AND people on this forum had installed it and given it good reviews, that would be another story.

And instead of costing $569 like the Chinese knock-off, it would cost at least $1,400 (and probably a lot more) and there is a reason for that. Quality of engineering and parts and overall quality control.

Also note Pioneer, Alpine and others have not come out with there own MFT version. I have read they don't want to touch it because they don't feel they can provide the quality and compatibility they would seek given the challenges of the integrated SYNC and climate control.

Gee have you checked where the factory stereo is made? Check the pic

Donguan Clarion Orient Electronics Co. Ltd. China
China is also building the 2015 Explorer. It is believed that it will likely be for the Chinese market.


China is also building the 2015 Explorer. It is believed that it will likely be for the Chinese market.


And they are building it under Ford quality control. Any parts that are sourced from different places than Ex's made in the U.S. will have meet Ford QoS and so will the entire manufacturing process in China. However, if it is only meant for the Chinese market and perhaps other third-word Asian markets, don't be surprised if it does not live up to our standards even with Ford QoS, but it will still be a lot better than actual Chinese cars.

Can anybody name a quality exported Chinese make and model car? South Korea can do it, but China is not there yet.

I bet Ex's sold in Japan will still come all the way from the U.S. instead of the new Chinese plant - at least until and if Ford feels the Chinese plant is up to snuff.

Turning on Nav?

Anyway to turn on the NAV on my 2014 sport. I ordered it without nav to save some money. But it seems like there should be a way to turn it on without paying big buck?

No can do. It has to be factory installed and activated.

Merged your thread with this existing one.


I purchased my base 2014 a few months ago. Should have gotten the XLT, but with the base model I can customize it the way I want.
I wanted to add a back up camera and GPS, but didnt want stand alone units cluttering up the windshield. Did a little research and with the help of the Crutchfield website, I added a new radio with GPS, XM radio and back up camera. The radio has bluetooth capability but I decided to stick the the bluetooth in MySync.
Here are before and after pics:


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That makes me wish the Sport came w/ the option for the base model radio. We are stuck w/ MFT and are unable to put in a custom deck like that.

I purchased my base 2014 a few months ago. Should have gotten the XLT, but with the base model I can customize it the way I want.
I wanted to add a back up camera and GPS, but didnt want stand alone units cluttering up the windshield. Did a little research and with the help of the Crutchfield website, I added a new radio with GPS, XM radio and back up camera. The radio has bluetooth capability but I decided to stick the the bluetooth in MySync.
Here are before and after pics:

If this your car? They did a slick install!

Holy crap look at the prices on their website

Amazon lists the one for the EXP @ $960.00 and is DIY!!!

A portable unit is for on or about $100.00


If anyone knows how to get into the APIM as built data then it cane be done. Speak up if you know how, lol. IDS locks APIM as built data out from being modified. Its one of the only modules that does this. There is another way but its not for the faint of heart and Ford would have record tracking of the alteration on their servers.

Since the APIM is the 'brains' of the MFT system, I don't think it would be advisable to play around with it. Just my opinion.


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If anyone knows how to get into the APIM as built data then it cane be done. Speak up if you know how, lol. IDS locks APIM as built data out from being modified. Its one of the only modules that does this. There is another way but its not for the faint of heart and Ford would have record tracking of the alteration on their servers.

Don't know if this is helpful or not, there was a safety recall for some 2011 Edge/F150 where it actually updated the as built data, but for the BCM. Thought it might be helpful as it explained how to do it through IDS. The recall number was 10S14-S3.
