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Aldive passed away

WOW....I talked to Al a few times over the years......he was a straight shooter, that's for sure! He is one of the few guys that has been on here longer than I, and was just as active...

His knowledge will be missed, but his posted research will live on...

It's not is 'See you later'.

Ryan Michelotti aka SpdRcer34

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RIP. youll always have a place on this earth as a memory:salute:

Wow....Shocked when I seen the announcement....Great guy that always offered help to anyone he'll for surely be missed. Prayers go to his family and friends RIP Aldive!

Hitchhikingmike and I were just discussing the mods Aldive made to his Explorer the other day. Mike was planning on adding a UDP and a electric fan because of his MPG thread. I read through his entire thread and he really made me think about how to get better MPG, not just in the SOHC, but in the OHV as well. He will be greatly missed...personality and all.


RIP , thanks for all the great info.

He was one of the greatest contributors to the site. I don't even want to think about how many hours he spent typing up all the product reviews and mods he did to his X to try to reach 30 mpg.
I bet he's up there now driving around in an X that gets unlimited mileage off of star light.
Condolences to his family, if he was such a good guy online it's hard to imagine how great it must have been to actually know him.

R.I.P. Al you will be missed

I did not know Al, but his family will be in my prayers. God Bless!

RIP Al and my condolences to your family. I'm new to the forum but a passing is always a great loss...


RIP, Al you willed be missed Thanks for all the contributions to our community here. Prayers and condolences to his friends and family

WOW ............ definitly not a "goodbye", but a "c-ya later"
prayers to friends and family

Such a tragedy, Very sorry to read of his passing.

I spent many nights reading his posts.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

I barely knew him, but his knowledge is definitely a cornerstone of this site. I always liked his experimental approach in finding his 30MPG. Even though I barely knew him he will be missed.

Wow, so sudden. I have read most all of his threads by now. He always posted very good information.



While I always PM'ed you with many questions, you always gave me straight answers and responded to every single one of them. From simple matters as to spark plug brand as to the new coil pack you always answered my questions.

Education is one of the most important things you can receive in this world now, and he always gave it to those seeking it. People like him prove changing little things at a time gives you a bigger change in the end.

Thanks for everything you gave to us Al, not just on here for for anyone anywhere who learned something from you.

-Joshua Berkhimer


i just joined a little while ago and never talked to him but his posts that i have read have been a great help. i'm sure that he will never be forgotten

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I too read his 30mpg thread all the way through and several of his posts. What a truely helpful and giving guy. He will be missed.

RIP Al. :salute:
