Anyone have any experience with the standalone wifi cameras? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have any experience with the standalone wifi cameras?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
My uncle gave me an iZon camera a few years back for I think my birthday, or maybe Christmas. Didnt really use it much, but a few years back when we bought our first home, it really comes in handy. Problem is, its outdated as hell. Quality is "good" but motion is very choppy. Its like an old school video camera where the image skips around if that makes sense. No night vision either, and its stationary. No pan/tilt or zoom.

Ive been eyeing that D-Link camera that pans, tilts, zooms and has night vision, has anyone used that one?

Heres a link:

Stem also makes a newer one with night vision, but its just as expensive as the Dlink IIRC, and its still stationary. Biggest thing is the unreliable app. It sometimes takes 2 or 3 times having to open and close it before the video will work, theres a large delay (30+ seconds sometimes) and the motion alerts don't work half the time. I used to have it in my upstairs window looking down at my driveway/sidewalk and had alerts set so I knew if someone was at the door, or I was getting packages from UPS/Fedex, but 90% of the time it wouldn't alert me or record it, pointless.

Anyone have any good cameras, under $150? Camera features and quality matter, but the app quality is a deal breaker as well. I would also like one I can access from my laptop, or computer at work vs only having access on my iPhone.
