are any folks looking for Gen3 prerunner glass fenders? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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are any folks looking for Gen3 prerunner glass fenders?

the rear dont open

i will have to cut them after they are on or cut before

but no in those pic's the door does not open please mxrider99 dont talk with out knowing what your talking about

I would only presume they would open if it kept the doorhandles...

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I would only presume they would open if it kept the doorhandles...

so i called and talked to don who works on that truck and he said no they were not openable because the just just jump through the window during the race -

im going to work with him saturday well he preps the explorer for the 500 comming up

so i called and talked to don who works on that truck and he said no they were not openable because the just just jump through the window during the race -

im going to work with him saturday well he preps the explorer for the 500 comming up

I was under the impression they opened.

In that class you have to have two steel opening doors if i remember right...


I was under the impression they opened.

In that class you have to have two steel opening doors if i remember right...

can you belieave that those are 37's on that explorer he just changed to 35's crazy cant wait to see how my truck looks when it comes all together

i just got the resin 5 gallons + 2 paint brushes + (having all the cloth allready) = 200$ for fenders front and back

dont mind working them with his help - infact i think its great that some one would be willing to lend a hand

can you belieave that those are 37's on that explorer he just changed to 35's crazy cant wait to see how my truck looks when it comes all together

i just got the resin 5 gallons + 2 paint brushes + (having all the cloth allready) = 200$ for fenders front and back

dont mind working them with his help - infact i think its great that some one would be willing to lend a hand


Its built to race, not play.

Id be down for a set of front fenders for my 04....

let me know when you need them well get u a set
