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Fiberglass Fenders


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August 5, 2009
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cypress, ca
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02 xls
Who wants a pair of fenders. I Live in Cali near and theirs a company called Glassworks Unlimited. They will mold and make a pair a fenders for my truck but i need two more people to buy a set with me. Anyone up for a set we are looking at $400

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i dont have the money right now but would be interested in the future ... is this a one time deal or will they start making the fenders? and are you going to do anything with the back?

Its a one time deal because their arent enough people that want them for them to start making a bunch. Im not doing anything with the back cause im not a fan of the rears. I also dont have the money right now i just dropped cash on the lift and rims so if your interested keep my posted.

Where in Cali? I am in orange county, san clemente specifically.

Someone on here had some fenders made a while ago, but he was banned for some reason. I think either he or someone he was in contact with had the mold still so more could be made. Not sure how you could get in contact with him, but his name on here was 86EXPLORER86 and he is in Santa Clarita. I know he had brandon at BTF work on his truck, maybe you could get in contact with him through brandon?



I live in cypress near long beach. I know brandon and ive asked him and doesnt have any contacts with him. Plus those molds were crap and i was actually going to buy a pair from him awhile back but i saw the qaulity of them and was not impressed. 400 bucks is a really good deal for the qaulity that they are so whoever is down let me know. Also i would prefer people close to me so we can meet up.

Hey if you don't want the pre runner look then look into 97 body style f350 rear extended flares. for ex front you can modify them easily to work on our trucks. That's how I made my one mold. The rear I still havnt touched

I do want the prerunner look but just with the front flares. I dont like the look with the rear flares on. but thanks makcnos.

Hey makcnos we need to talk about those upper control arms i met up with brandon a couple weeks ago and talked about the arms. He is gonna have my truck for a couple days in about a week to make my new bumper.

alright cool.

I think you need to get a price set ($400 sounds a bit too rounded to the nearest hundred) and a method for people to figure out how much shipping is going to be - just to make sure there are no surprises in the end. Oh and the number of inches of "flare" the final pieces are going to have over stock. I think you also need to let others know about how the wheel-well liner (the plastic thing) probably wont meet up with these new fenders unless the pieces cut back inwards to the stock location - cauz removing the wheel well liner might be fine for the warm climates, but its pretty much required in places like Minnesota.

Like i said i would like people in the so cal. area only so that way we dont have to do the whole shipping thing and we can just meet up somewhere. Its $400 for a 6 inch flare and a 3 inch rise.

Yea, the wheel well liner would be nice, however i would like to have a set anyways... And seeing as half my wheel well liner is missing and Minnesota winters are rough on vehicles, to say the least (mine not excluded, 6 years of salt and whatever else they think will aid in the snow removal).... Basically im definately down for a set... Oh, and i forgot to mention how my drivers side fender has a softball size dent from God knows what.

Minnesota is going to cost shipping and like a said in my previous post i would like to get people in the so cal area and if i cant then i will find out the shipping cost.

alright man, but like i said id love a set of these, so keep me posted

i know that mcneil racing is making them now, i hear 300.00 plus shipping

that listing is for the sport trac but i did recently have a chat with them and the new site isnt up yet but they are making them for the 4dr suv. i cant wait

thats awesome news!! saving my money now :thumbsup:

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Any updates by chance??
