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Fiberglass Fenders

I found this picture the other day, don't know who made the fenders but i like them a lot, minus the louvers.


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where did you find that???? Thats exactly what i want for a bumper!!!!!!!

Yep! I could definitely see myself with that set up haha

i know that mcneil racing is making them now, i hear 300.00 plus shipping

That is correct, it is still under development. The picture above shows the mcneil ones, i contacted them and they confirmed it was there model. and it only comes with the vents no option for without.....

i talked to them last week and they said an extra 60.00 for no vents

they dont have them they have to take them off and patch them back up

Anybody have a link off hand for that pushbar/bumper/grill guard (what ever the correct terminology is)? I would appreciate it a ton!
