Biggest I can fit w/body lift? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Biggest I can fit w/body lift?

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Uhhhh...for what vehicle???

And for a 1993 Explorer 2 Door Sport

I think 32 is the biggest you can fit on the two door you might be able to get 33 on the four door... If you are thinking of lifting and your Explorer is 4x4 dont get the body lift first I think it looks bad to have half the frame sticking out under the car. plus you dont gain much or any thing with off-road performance... If i had a 4x4 I would lift it but only a suspention lift...

Kris Guilbeaux

I think 32 is the biggest you can fit on the two door you might be able to get 33 on the four door... If you are thinking of lifting and your Explorer is 4x4 dont get the body lift first I think it looks bad to have half the frame sticking out under the car. plus you dont gain much or any thing with off-road performance... If i had a 4x4 I would lift it but only a suspention lift...

Kris Guilbeaux

I have a 4x2 explorer, I am looking into buying the superlift 6" suspension lift for it, but I just wanted bigger tires for the time being, and I don't have the money as of yet to get the suspension and the tires, and so I was gonna just go for the body for right now. Thanks for the help.
