What size tires can I fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What size tires can I fit?

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Heres a 2' body lift ,spacer shackles and 31s

lot of room for 32s

That look good. What kinda shackles did you use to lift the truck and what did you do for the front?


Warrior shackles and F-150 coil spacers ,lots of people have them on here. Good luck

How much of a lift did you notice after you installed these parts? And were do I get the parts for the shackle?


I got between 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inch lift. check out www.warriorproducts.com ,email them they will tell ya what you need, or do a search on here lots of guys know where to get them in the States. Good luck
