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billet grill installation


Well-Known Member
October 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Auburn, AL/Montgomery, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
I am wanting to install a billet grill and i have a few questions regarding the actual installation process but my main concern is this: In order for me to pop the hood i must reach through the grill and lift the lever. If I install a billet grill how will I do this? They sale billet grills for my year and model. It must be possible to do. If any of you have a billet grill and know the answer to my question please help me out. I want to buy it soon while it is on sale. thank you

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I think that most good billet grills come with a little extender for poping the hood. but make sure you get one with the extender, or youll be stuck having to use a screwdriver or something.

thats cool thanks man

I got one of those billet grilles that they sell on ebay, looks nice, was a pain to put on though. It is held on by only black tie-wraps, which were not long enough so i had to connect some of my own together with those to make it work. I dont know if this is how all billets are put on. As far as opening the hood, well that was my biggest problem, if i used a screwdriver to open it, it would dent the bars on the grille, so i rigged up a peice of alluminum right up front under the hood where i could reach it, and use that to open the hood. hope this helps, later.

I used some picture hanging wire and a couple of eye bolts and a key ring to pull it from the lower bumper grill opening. Know what I mean?

too much work
