Brought in a stray German Shepard | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brought in a stray German Shepard

well she fell into my uncles pool this summer and didnt was ok, so i am going to say yes....she loves the laying in the little kiddie pool when its hot and likes water in general, but i dont see her swiming around after a stick like a black lab would.

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Miss you Indy:( I'll never forget the day we found you:D RIP

..Oh wow...Sorry to hear this..:(

Wow, sounds like she lived a long time. You had her 8 years. About how old was she when you got her? Sounds like she was a really good dog. Sorry to hear that.

No doubt you gave each other a few great years.

Sorry to hear that Rick. Thanks for giving it a good home and some happy years.

Is it a pure breed? Does her back slope down the further you go towards the rear legs? Those are good dogs.

There are two different types of the German Shepard, the working breed and the show breed. The working breed (the pure breed) has the straight back. The show breed has the slanted back, this was genetically changed by someone who thought it looked nicer. It in fact is the cause for hip dysplasia and the working breed does not suffer from it (at least not for the same reasons, much less common). I actually think what people have done to create the show breed is disgusting.

