Need some help with my dog... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need some help with my dog...

Absolutly go to training w/ the dog. The trainer will teach you how to deal w/ your dog. I have a Rotty and spent a lot of time training her as a puppy. They are smart and really want to be a part of the family.

If you spend daily time training w/ the dog you will set up a rapport that will last the dogs life and will get real good obedience over all. I am on my second one, the first one i went through the Schutzhund training with and learned to handle the Rotties from some of the best. Have fun with the dog and give it lots to chew for the first two years. they are four legged piranas for that period and have to have toys and things to gnaw on. leave a few small plastic buckets around and a few balls. the rotty part will love them and keep it intertained when outside.

just some info....

First a dog must learn one thing and one thing only


I have had Dogs all my life and have had close 20 dogs in those years. German shorthairs, Labs, Akitas, Chows, Australian shep, and mixs. I'm only telling what I have learned over the years and what has worked for me. My parents did traing with feild trils when I was a kid and my mother works for the human society. I'm not saying smack the dog every 5 mins. Once the dog knows whos boss and has respect for you you will not have too many problems. I have alot of times raised dogs from birth. This makes life a little easier sometimes. I agree if I ever thought a dog was going to even think about taken abite out of me I would not smack it on the nose. I just wanted to put in my .02 cents and try to help some one out. If kept smackin you in the face you probaly bite too! But it should not get to the point where you need to smack the dog all the time. Just as long as he nose it's there, like a choke chain. It's used as a traing tool and then it's just there till it's needed for reminding.
