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Introducing our new dog, Leroy.

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I just found this photo on the website of the rescue group that helped Leroy after he was hit by a car. They raised over $1000 for his treatment. The photo is from January of this year. We adopted him in July.

To say his leg is fully healed is an understatement. He is super fast and has a tons of endurance. So grateful that they took great care of him.:chug:



Leroy has scars all over his body from the accident. He is one lucky dog.

When we first got Leroy he would lock the sliding patio door on me when I would leave him in the house with the door closed. He jumped at the window and pulled the latch for the lock down.

Now he has learned to let himself out when the door is unlocked. Char and I went out to the new RC to test everything out one night when we heard scratching at the door. I thought that Char must have left the door slightly open so I brought Leroy back to the house and made sure the door was fully shut, but not locked. Just a couple minutes later Leroy was scratching at the door again. Not only did he figure out how to open the door at will, he knew exactly where we were. Definitely not a dumb dog.

The place we adopted him from said he was an escape artist. They put him in large kennel for the night, and when they returned in the morning Leroy was at the door waiting for them. LOL

Ranger can open the door between the garage and house. He let's himself in and out. It's a lever type handle, and he figured it out about a year ago.
