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Burns SAS thread

Well as a few of you know my X was messeed up a bit due to a accident. so i have been looking for a new plan.
i have my axles (d44/ford9") all i need is to choose what i am gonna do.
i was thinking about thiS:
In the front i plan to use whild horse 5.5 inch coils,

for radius arms i plan to use this.

they are 12 inches longer that the stock radius arms.i have the whole frame from a 78 f-150 that i plan to get the coil buckets and steering off of.
i want to use a 37 inch tire and use 4.88 gears
i dont see a problem with any of this so i need some info to see if i have missed anything

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ok here is a run down of the prolbems my X has at the time:

1. I don't have 2nd gear!:thumbdwn:
2. I am leaking rear-end oil.(getting fixed this weekend):thumbsup:
3. My power steering box needs a bottom seal.:thumbdwn:
4. I have a ujoing cap missing in my front right axle joint.(also this weekend):thumbsup:
5. I have no carpet and need to finish the floor liner.:thumbsup: :thumbdwn:
6. Rear seat brackets. In the process of quad buckets. :thumbsup: :thumbdwn:

I still have a few questions but it really does not matter becasue i have listed
my probs that need to be fixed first.

Look at the junk yards for the flat-tops .. also check out PBB and E-bay. I got mine from a guy on PBB for ~$75. Of course, as flat tops come from the factory, only one side is set up for hi-steer so you have to get the other side machined, drilled and tapped -- which typically costs between $40 and $70

1. With this being said why cant i just have both of them machined, drilled, and tapped?

2. If i can have them both machined is there a chance of breaking parts due to them both being machined?

3. I am doing removable doors with bolts where the door pins are. I seen this from someone on sxc. Without the two front doors will this warp my cab.

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1. With this being said why cant i just have both of them machined, drilled, and tapped?

2. If i can have them both machined is there a chance of breaking parts due to them both being machined?

Well as you know, not all D44 knuckles can be machined, drilled and tapped -- only "flat-tops" because the rest just doesnt have enough metal at the top. For example, the stock knuckles that were on my D44 were not flat tops. But most that are flat tops already have one side machined, drilled and tapped -- so you only need to do the other side.

There is no chance of breaking flat-top knuckles as a result of the machining process. I mean the person doing the machining, drilling and tapping should know what they're doing and should remove the least amount of material as possible.

3. I am doing removable doors with bolts where the door pins are. I seen this from someone on sxc. Without the two front doors will this warp my cab.

i highly doubt youll warp the cab, maybe if it was a unibody, but with the full frame and pillars i dont think so.

1. I don't have 2nd gear! Not at the top of the fix list but it sucks.
2. My power steering box needs a bottom seal.
3. I have no carpet and need to finish the floor liner.
4. Rear seat brackets. In the process of quad buckets.
5. I need to find the time to swap in my newer 4.0

I am leaking rear-end oil.(Done)
I have a ujoing cap missing in my front right axle joint.(Done)

With my tranny unlike yours didnt make a single noise when it went out. i drove it home one night from being in town and got up the next morning and went to school. i went to second and it was gone. nothing no noise or anything. i think i have a prolbem within the top half but not sure.

with the link that sn0border88 posted i have a question. i cant really make some of the pic out for sure but here is my pic. i could drill and tap it but the smaller side pointed out tends to worry me because this is a daily driver but it gets wheeled almost every weekend.

here are a few from about two weeks ago.



they call it crap creek but with a few diffrent terms. it lives up to its name with the mud smell.

that dosent even look like a flatop knuckle, its off an f-150 right? I dont think they came with flattops. You need f-250 or chevy/FSJ parts. Check about 3/4 of the way through the flattops page for a list of years with interchangeng flattops.

thats what i thought. thanks. its only a 75 dollar swap or so but i was tryin to be cheap. the ones on the site that they say no for sure is the ones i have. thats what i thought but on of the pic was questionable.

Sell your stuff from the knuckles out on ebay, and list it as an "all Ford early Bronco disc swap". Some EB guys like running the F150 knuckles out so they can keep their rig all Ford. You will probably need different spindles/brakes with the flat tops anyway.

Sell your stuff from the knuckles out on ebay, and list it as an "all Ford early Bronco disc swap". Some EB guys like running the F150 knuckles out so they can keep their rig all Ford. You will probably need different spindles/brakes with the flat tops anyway.

That's what I would do. Sell your Ford outers and buy Chevy outers with flat-top knuckles. You'll have to spend a bit of money on the hi-steer arms but in the end you won't have too spend too much. Chevy stuff is very cheap.

Im like the EB guys and would like to stay all Ford parts. however that may not happen. i need to find out on this first.

Im like the EB guys and would like to stay all Ford parts. however that may not happen. i need to find out on this first.
Yes deviate from the Blue Oval and come over into the Jeep/Chevy world :D

Yes deviate from the Blue Oval and come over into the Jeep/Chevy world :D

Mutts are what happen when you try to build a rig, lets see i got

jeep front axle, chevy outers with ford rotors, toyota steering box, EB rear axle. I have something from everything lol

you can easily stay all ford, just buy ford flattops and spindles. Ebay has them all the time, and you can definatly reuse your outer.

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you can easily stay all ford, just buy ford flattops and spindles. Ebay has them all the time, and you can definatly reuse your outer.

except that ford flattops are weaker then chevy's, they dont have as much material for the studs to thread into.

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