Calling all Canadians and their products. Sticky Please. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calling all Canadians and their products. Sticky Please.


New Member
May 2, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Airdrie, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer
I am the proud (Canadian) owner of a new 2015 Explorer Sport. I began reviewing a lot of threads on this site regarding mods that I may be interested in performing on my ExSp.

In the past, I have purchased various items from outside of Canada (mainly US) and had been charged considerable extra fees to bring then into my possession. Most of the products that have been shared by members of the forum are typically distributed from outside of Canada.

I've noticed there are many fellow Canadians on this forum and think there would be much interest for a place in the forum that Canadian Vendors or ones that cater to shipping internationally, can present their products to make easier access for me to recklessly spend my money. Or that other members can share their experiences good or bad, regarding their adventures in purchasing products internationally.

I ask for the interest of all Canadians and maybe we can have our very own place in this fantastic, resourceful site!

