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camber bushing


Well-Known Member
October 18, 2008
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City, State
Pacific NWest
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Eddie Bauer X
Gonna go with the F - 150 coil seats on the X, to give little more clearance for the 32 x 11.50's. Warrior shackles in the rear, 3" PA BL 15x8 rims. Was wondering if the camber would be able to be "aligned" within specs with the adjustable stock camber bushing that's on the X now? Have heard of needing the oversized AFTERMARKET part# MOOG k8981. Adjustment range
-2.75 / +2.75. Trying to cover all the bases before I start this project. THX

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Kinda a crap shoot there.

Personally I'd call the alignment shops in the area and see who's got various bushings in stock.

Installing a bushing isn't hard. Get it all broken loose when you do the spring perches. The alignment guy will dig it big time.

I've heard many times that the 2.75 bushing is "the one" - but I wouldn't call it a guarantee. Also turning the bushing (when installed) changes the Castor, so it's a touchy thing to play with.

I don't know about everyone else, but the shop that I use had to put the aftermarket bushing in to make mine right after I did the F-150 coil seat lift. Just my $.02

That does seem to be the consensus, the 2.75 unit, in other threads.

ummm... I bought some knowing I was going to make some changes to mine soon. They have different "specs" for 4x2 and 4x4 stamped on the same bushing. Why is that?

horse B4 cart.......

2.75 possibly seems to be "the one" Will ask shops around, what if anything can be done. I'm sure they'll be glad to install for me. If I'm able to buy a
$10 - $15 part as opposed to them charging me $30+ for it, granted seems like a positive. Of course will have a shop do the alignment, just looking too make it a less expensive trip down their. I'm not understanding the 4x2 4x4 thing either, thinking adjustable range being with the "heavy duty 4x4" specs as opposed to the "light duty 4x2" front end (parts)

When I got my alignment done after my coil seats were installed the shop said that they were able to use the bushing that was already in place on the passenger side. I guess it had enough adjustment in it that they only had to replace the driver side.

I did the F150 coil seats on my 94 XLT. I had alignment done @ 4WheelParts, and they had to put the after market shims in. Alignment with the shims was around $150. I also did the Warrior shackles in the rear and air shocks. All combined made room for 31x10.50's with no problems, and a pleasing stance.
