Check Engine Light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check Engine Light


May 14, 2010
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Hi! I'm on a road trip and the check engine light just came on. I'm new to this vehicle and I can't find anything that seems to be wrong. It's a '96 Explorer XLT with the 5.0 liter V8 and All Wheel Drive. It's due for an oil change at 113,500 miles and now the odometer reads 112,990, could this be it? Should I take it somewhere immediately? Please help!

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Hi! I'm on a road trip and the check engine light just came on. I'm new to this vehicle and I can't find anything that seems to be wrong. It's a '96 Explorer XLT with the 5.0 liter V8 and All Wheel Drive. It's due for an oil change at 113,500 miles and now the odometer reads 112,990, could this be it? Should I take it somewhere immediately? Please help!

we here can not help you w/anything till you get them codes read and report back w/them. ;)

How do I get a code?

How do I get a code?

by getting it scanned for codes. since the check engine light is on autozone will do it for free. find a autozone or stop at a shop and pay them to pull the codes..

Advance will also do it for free.

"It's ON"!

Your "check eng." light was not intended to alert you to possible devastating consequences, such as loss of engine oil pressure, overheating, etc.

It's purpose is to ensure that the engine's operation remains within the specifications established for it's exhaust emissions. However, continuing to drive the vehicle for a long period with the light "on" could prove damaging, in the event that one of the Engine Control Sensors critical to fuel mixture, or ignition spark advance, for example, is grossly screwing up.

Your PCM (computer) has detected an out-of-range-reading, or no reading, from one or more of it's input sensors, and has illuminated the MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light) to alert you to that fact, while storing a "code" which relates to that sensor(s) identity.

Failure of most of the sensors will NOT cause the engine to stop running, or sometimes even falter at all. A few, such as the Crankshaft Position Sensor, will cause a "dead in the water" condition upon failure. So, if the vehicle seems to be running normally, and makes no unusual sounds or vibrations, it is likely safe to drive it to a facility which can "read" the trouble code(s) that have been stored. imp

FYI, just an added tidbit, your CEL is never going to come on to let you know you need to change the oil. Doesn't work that way. ;)

Ok thanks for all the help! I'm going to take it in to my dealership tomorrow.

Another tip - the dealer is going to charge you through the ass to do anything. I'd follow the advice the guys posted earlier and get the codes pulled for free, post them, and we can help you diagnose what the issue is. You're obviously free to attack this however you want, but don't expect anything at the stealership to be reasonably priced.

Another tip - the dealer is going to charge you through the ass to do anything. I'd follow the advice the guys posted earlier and get the codes pulled for free, post them, and we can help you diagnose what the issue is. You're obviously free to attack this however you want, but don't expect anything at the stealership to be reasonably priced.

x2. your looking at about $80'ish for them to tell you the codes when you can get them pulled for free. save the $80'ish for any parts you might need.

yes of course, the dealership is able to tell you more info than a autozone scan can, but that is what we are here for as well as the search function (to look up any codes you pull.)

good luck. we're here if you need us.

Thanks for the help again! I went to my regular mechanic and it's going in the shop on Monday. It's about due for an oil change and a tire rotation so they'll just look at it while they're doing that.

Need Help too Check Engine Light

the other night Check Engin Light just lighted up and somehow my RPM was crazy I was driving at 80kmph but it was reading at 3000RPM to 4000. When I got home it was raining so I did not do anything. The next day it was gone. Then today it lighted up again.... Why?????

I got a 94, can they scan on this? What is the problem?
Thanks for the info.

Ok I've seen this on various cars but not so much Fords...

The gas cap not being tightened all the way or missing will trip a CEL. In one case it was the oring on the cap that was bad, an $8 cap took care of the light without resetting the battery. Takes about three drive cycles..

If your traveling I'm assuming youve filled up a time or two... start there..

I got a 94, can they scan on this? What is the problem?
Thanks for the info.

Most places wont scan anything older than 1997, although we could do it in shop back in high school ???

You'll probably have to pull codes using a paperclip as a jumper in tue test port under the hood. I'm new to this forum but im sure the procedure is here somewhere. It's easy, count the times the light flashes and that's your code.

The '96 model is OBDII, so anyone can read the codes stored in the system.
