Coolant in Trans Fluid! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coolant in Trans Fluid!


Active Member
September 14, 2009
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City, State
Orwigsburg, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1989 B2,1995 Eddie Bauer
I had randomly checked my trans fluid and noticed that the dipstick is beaded up like crazy. I then checked the radiator and to my horror noticed that it was about two quarts low on coolant. Okay so the internal trans cooler in the radiator is leaking but...

Besides flushing the trans out is there anything else that I should check for? That's a lot of coolant that went into my transmission. I had checked the overflow on the trans and was surprised to see that is was still in a dry condition. You can clearly see that the trans is overfilled by looking at the dipstick. I'm speaking of a 4R55E on a 95 Xplorer 4X4.

And since this discovery the truck is officially "Parked"! :(

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I had a C-5 in my 94 bust a radiator. But the tranny line preasure was greater than the coolant system preasure. So I was blowing tranny oil out the radiator overflow. Don't know if that should be the same on yours or not. New radiator. Flush the coolant system and tranny. Large tranny cooler and bypassed the radiator. That was over a year ago.

need a new rad

I would drain and refill the trans fluid through the dipstick several times, using a drill-operated pump and a long hose. I'd drain it, refill it, start it, let it idle for a minute, then repeat.... You'll never get all of it out, but you'll get the vast majority of it.

Then, once running again, I'd take it to a trans shop and have them do a fluid exchange on it (NOT A FLUSH!!). That should purge 99.9% of whatever is left.

Oh, and flush the rest of the cooling system too... The trans fluid in the coolant isn't going to hurt anything, but it's not exactly good for the coolant.

Be happy you caught it when you did. Most of the damage has likely been averted.

I agree with what has been posted. Water in trans fluid will cause a very quick failure of the friction material. I hope you caught it in time and had little moisture in there.... but whatever there is I would not be soaking friction material in it... GET IT OUTTA THERE !

Wow! Lots of quick responses, Thank You all!

I've printed all the responses and will hopefully salvage this trans. If not it'll be sad becuase it's a kinda fresh rebuild with only 10,000 miles on it. Wish me luck!


Flushed like a Toilet!

Just wanted to update the progress.

First I dropped the pan, removed the filter and wiped off everything I possibly could get at and just kinda let it drip for a couple hours. Then I installed the new filter and buttoned up the pan. (Take note I had the trans pan in my parts washer while I was letting the trans drip out.) Then I poured a gallon of Mercon V ATF in it and started it up, I think I had to add about a quart and a half b4 it was full and then let it reach normal operating temp. Then I ran it thru P to L1 a few times to make sure I had movement. Then I let two quarts at a time escape from a trans line, (the other one was plugged), shut if off and put two back in.
I repeated this untill I used up (3) gallons of fluid.

I also flushed out the cooling system too. I had previously installed a flush kit from Prestone so it just made things a snap. I didn't replace the radiator as of yet. I had brass plugs laying around that fit the threads where the trans lines were supposed to be so I just plugged them up for now. (Reason I did that was because I figured if the coolant was getting into the trans it would have to mean that the coolant was just going to end up leaking out of the unplugged trans line fittings.)I had an aluminum trans cooler in the basement so I ran the trans lines to that and mounted it in front of the radiator. I want to replace my radiator with a new one when I get the coins. Now I think that covers everything.

All in all it wasn't very time consuming and the end result was I saved my transmission. I actually believe that I have just a bit more power pulling the mountains now. It was probably slipping from the coolant and I was never the wiser. Thanks to all for your help...:thumbsup:
