cracked head. to install or not to install? that is the question. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cracked head. to install or not to install? that is the question.


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2008
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City, State
Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT stock
Ok so I got half lucky. I picked up a set of heads from my local pick and pay. I had them checked and one is cracked and one is not. The cracked head only has 1 small crack. Can I put it on and drive it that way?

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i'm no expert... but I wouldn't put cracked heads in my vehicle

But its such a small crack. And I cannot afford a brand new set. I just want to get it running again

Yes you can put it on and drive it that way.

Is it a good thing to do? No. Could it end up costing you more in the long run to have to tear back into the engine to fix it? Maybe.

^^^^ What he said

look online for heads, when I did mine last winter they were about 175 a piece brand new with valves

Most likely, No, you can't drive with a cracked head. A crack just about anywhere will either allow oil/water to mix or drop the compression of that cylinder way down. Neither is good.


and it's more of a ***** to take apart the engine when the oil has turned to pudding, it turns fast too when the coolant and oil are mixing. don't rebuild it without the right parts

look on ebay for a set of heads, my 94 4.0 cracked a head and i got both heads with the gasket set and new head bolts for $360 shipped. its not worth hoping it will run

I found a machine shop on the outskirts of town and he's getting me a brandnew set using my valves for 450 475

They are aftermarket castings for 350 for both plus 30 for shipping plus grinding all the old valves. 450-475.

So why not just buy the set I listed and have new everything? Just get them and bolt them on. No grinding of valves or anything. Plus its a little cheaper.

Just giving you other options that are out there.

your out of you mind if you run or put a head on that is cracked!!your bearing will fail in not time and you will hydro lock your motor and wont be driving anywhere!! i have gave you links and offered you heads that are keep trying to do it the wrong way people are going to get tired of giving you suggestions or answering stupid questions.and ps why worry about regrinding valves?? if you are even considering putting a cracked head on grinding valves would be the last of my worries

I ended up buying new heads I'm sorry about the stupid questions. I can't afford very much.

I don't know why but my engine never sounded the same with the after market heads, idk if it was the quality of work done or the heads themselves but it runs great... put 20,000 miles on so far with the after market heads :)
I hope you let us know how it goes!!

i sure will. i would post pics of all the work being done but my phone screwed up and i dont have a digital camera. i gasket matched/ported and polished the intake manifold, fuel manifold, and the upper intake plenum. i painted the valve covers, upper plenum and the water neck ford blue. smoothed and polished the throttle body, intake manifold and the fuel manifold. it looks great. i plan on getting a thrush welded muffler soon and headers with y-pipe in the distant future. she should run and sound pretty good. and i might be getting a manual t-case for $50.
