Creaking going over bumps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Creaking going over bumps


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Lenoir, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Limited
When I go over a large bump I am getting a creaking sound. Is this more likely to be a spring or a shock? It is not a big deal but it is kind of annoying.

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It is substantially more likely to be a spring than shock, but where is it coming from? I think the most likely things to "creak" going over a bump would be the front sway bar (rotates as a tire lifts) or the rear leaf springs.

Rear sway bar bushings. Lube or replace.

My 2002 limited does the same thing. I found a quick fix to be to lube the front bushings (i think they were on the a-arms). Even wd40 would work for the time being. The squeek for me is mainly in the winter when its really cold. Try that before you go replacing anything.

It sounds like it is coming from the rear.

My 02 also does this. It seems to primarily come from the front end drivers side. I can't pinpoint where its coming from.

My 2004 is doing the same thing. It's coming from the front of the vehicle. I can press down and hear the creaking on both sides. I think I'll try the WD40 suggestion from Rhyno.

my 03 does this from the front, but not always. Just sounds like it needs lube. Will wd40 the bushins next time I get under it.

I did my front first bushings first. It was easy. Then I was going to do the back, but just doing the front fixed it.
