Cruising at highway speed question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cruising at highway speed question


April 11, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Tomkins cove, ny
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 explorer Eddie Bauer
So I’m new to having an explorer tryin to get the feel of what’s normal and not. It’s an 06 with the 4.6. I have noticed when driving on the highway doing about 70 if I let off the gas it actually feels like I’m being slowed down like the converter is staying locked or something. Is this normal for these transmissions? No brakes are hanging up or anything. When I step back on the gas I see the rpm maybe jump 150. I feel with other vehicles I have had when cruising at highway speed and letting off the gas you get more of a coasting feeling rather than slowing down. Also what’s everyone’s rpm at 70 mph I’m right around 2000 is that correct?

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Forgot to mention what is also sparking this concern is I’m getting 16.5 mpg with 90% highway driving. I know it’s an older vehicle and things change with age and I didn’t buy it for getting great gas mileage I just heard 20 mpg on the highway and I’m obviously getting less. Just up graded to this from a 2001 grand Cherokee. Love this way more and gets the same mileage with way more power and size. Not complaining just trying to see if I do have an issue

Something seems wrong if you are getting 16.5 mpg on the highway. I just took an 800 mile round trip to see the total eclipse. My path took me on I-68 and I-79 for about 40% of the trip. These interstates have severe grades. I ran about 75 mph on average on the limited access highways and around 45-50 mph on country roads. My total average mpg was 18.8 as I pulled into the driveway upon returning. There is one thing to be aware of when traveling on highways which is using cruise control going up grades absolutely kills gas mileage. If I set cruise and let it control the accelerator when going up grades, I am lucky to get 17 mpg. The problem is the cruise control is much too aggressive with downshifting, which guzzles gas. I find that when going uphill, putting my foot on the accelerator and pushing it down a little more than the cruise control does, I can keep it from downshifting a lot of the time. Then if it does downshift it doesn't go from 6th gear to 4th but to 5th. You'll get a feel for how to fineness the throttle over time. I can do this without turning off the cruise control. Just doing this should get you an appreciable increase in gas mileage if you travel on hilly roadways while using cruise control. The more you can keep the transmission from downshifting the better your mpg will be.

With all the above said, there are things like worn spark plugs, weak coil(s), bad O2 sensors etc. that can lower mpg. Have you checked for any codes being tripped? This might give you some valuable information and a direction to follow to improve mpg. I run about 2k rpm at 70 mph so it seems that you are running in 6th gear at this speed. Keep in mind that Explorers and Mountaineers are basically 5k lb bricks moving through the air so they don't coast the most efficiently.

I appreciate the response. I did check for codes when I got it with a little hand held autozone type scanner did not have any codes. I’m coming up on the 100,000 mile mark so plugs are on the to do list. I got an extended warranty on it so I have to follow the ford recommended service intervals in order to keep warranty valid. It very well may be my driving too I never seem to get the mileage I’m supposed to on anything lol. Was just more concerned with the feeling of letting off the gas at 70 and it feels like I’m driving a manual transmission like the gear and engine slowing me down. May be normal but my other vehicles I don’t remember that feeling.

Forgot to mention what is also sparking this concern is I’m getting 16.5 mpg with 90% highway driving. I know it’s an older vehicle and things change with age and I didn’t buy it for getting great gas mileage I just heard 20 mpg on the highway and I’m obviously getting less. Just up graded to this from a 2001 grand Cherokee. Love this way more and gets the same mileage with way more power and size. Not complaining just trying to see if I do have an issue
Was your jeep the 6 cylinder?

Yes it was the 6 cylinder
