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CT explorer hooters run

Well im not going to be able to make it. My 92 year old great grandmother came home a week early (today) and she needs 24 hour care. Guess who gets to watch her saturday? Thats right me. Well if you all still want to go thats cool. If we could go the weekend after that would be even better. Well just let me know.


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Originally posted by rydinhigh
Well im not going to be able to make it. My 92 year old great grandmother came home a week early (today) and she needs 24 hour care. Guess who gets to watch her saturday? Thats right me. Well if you all still want to go thats cool. If we could go the weekend after that would be even better. Well just let me know.


Mike, sorry your plans got messed up, next Saturday is cool for me. I'm really looking forward to meeting you guys :)

Hope your great grandmother continues to improve :)

Do we want to move this to another date? I am leaving next wednesday for a week and a half but whatever works out of all of you folks

No no no you all go. I will meet up with you after. If somone wants to pm me there cell number that would be great.

Unfortunatly this is the only sat I will have free for a while now so it has to be this sat or next month sometime.

What do you guys want to do. I have done these before and usually everyone backs out the day before and only 1 or two show up. Not that you are backing out rydinhigh I completely understand your position....that's been my experience.

One time we had a meet with about 13 ppl that were definite and when I got there only 3 ppl actually showed. It's discouraging....

next month would be better for me also because hopefully my truck would be back on the road!!!

Well sometime next month would be fine if thats what everyone wants to do. Its really up to you guys (and gal).

If most of us can meet up this weekend I'm all for it. :)

I would rather do it this weekend as well

ok so lets do it this weekend as planned
then next month when pur pony is up and rumming we will meet again. Sounds good??

Sounds good. I got gary's and sandy's phone number. I am going to try and still get there for 6 though. If im not there don't wait for me.

Rydin, waiting is not a problem....how much time do you need?

So far?


Well we can wait a for a bit in the parking lot before we go in. Shouldnt be to hard to find us. I'll be there with my brother at or a few minutes before 6

Well I really dont think that I am going to make it. I can't find anyone to watch grandma for a couple of hours. If anything changes I will give someone a call. Make sure you take lost of pics for me though :D

Well, we can just do it a different weekend then. Maybe if we had more ppl.

Killer Idea!

Howdee, guys! I was just reading this whole weekend planning seminar, and got an idea! Come on up to Essex Jct, Vermont in 2 weekends for the 4-wheel jamboree! It's a 4-wheel drive truck show that I've been looking forward to attending. I tried to go last year, but helped out some friends in need instead. Go to http://www.familyevents.com/4wheel/eventinfo.asp and do some browsing around. I'm not sure which day I'll be there; it's still an hour and a half away for me. I'm sure Matt (FordExplorer157) will be a huge help if you have questions since he lives there. (Sorry for volunteering you! ;))

How does that sound?

Well Sandy (sobelover) and I went tonight. Didnt get any pics to bad you other guys couldnt make it

I'll have to agree with Gary, it was too bad you guys couldn't make it. We had a lot of fun. The food was great, and I was so surprised at how many families
were eating there, so having my 10 year old with me was no problem.

I hope that we can get a bigger group together on a Saturday that is convenient for everyone. The best way to make this work would be in exchanging telephone or cell numbers, because we may not be all on the forum at a specific time. Mike(Rydinhigh) has Gary's and my cell numbers and Gary and I have each other's. :)
