ExplorerForum AZ run March 23 2008 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ExplorerForum AZ run March 23 2008


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February 16, 2001
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43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
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91 4 do'
I'm going to see if there is interest in bringing the group out here for a run again like Rick did in Feb 2003.

That trip had great participation. Fakrwee, Paul B, McNeill's, Jefe, Marshall, Tdavis, Texas crew, everybody was making there way out.

Here's a report- http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70988&highlight=Arizona+2003

If we can get the CA guys to join us then maybe the CO, NM, Texas guys would venture over as well for a pretty big gathering in the winter. Unlike Moab or Truckhaven, Phoenix trails are within an hour of the airport.

So if you want to be like IZwack you can fly in and see the out west wheeling with some of the legends from this board and be back to work on Monday morning.

Here is a similar schedule to what they did last time.

Friday guys can get a head start on some local trails or we could do a late afternoon meet & greet. Run the harder trails off Table Mesa Road on Saturday, Crown King from Lake Pleasant on Sunday prior to everyone going there own ways.

Crown King can be as easy or as challenging as you want it to be. Nice thing about this trail is the destination at the end is a cool old town.

Here is a description I found about that.
The Lake Pleasang to Crown King trail is a local favorite. On any given weekend, there will be numerous groups of four wheelers, ATV's and motorcycles heading to and from Crown King. It is a fun and scenic trail into the cooler pines of the Bradshaws.

The trail takes off from the Castle Hotsprings Rd and travels through the foot hills and up the side of the mountain, giving nice views of Lake Pleasant and the Valley. There are some tougher optional sections that can make it interesting.

The trail goes through the old ghost towns of Fort Misery and Oro Belle, both of which are remnants of the Mining era of the Bradshaw Mountains. All that remains now, are foundations and a few crumbling walls. Fort Misery makes a nice place to stop and eat lunch as the small creek usually has running water and there are trees to provide shade.

In the winter months, the trail from Fort Misery through Oro Belle to Crown King will often have snow and/or ice. In the summer, an early start is necessary to stay ahead of the rising temperatures.

Once on top of the mountain, the trail runs through the cool pines and into Crown King. In Crown King there are places to eat and have a drink, and a general store that sells some excellent fudge. The old Crown King Saloon was actually built in Oro Belle, and later hauled up (many years ago) to Crown King and rebuilt. In Oro Belle, the saloon was built into the side of the hill, so the upstairs were mainly accessable from the rear of the building (at ground level). The upstairs served as a place repose for women of ill fame.

There are campgrounds on top of the mountain near Crown King for those wishing to stay overnight. The fastest way down is via the main road which leads through Cleator and toward Bumble Bee. You can split off and go through Cordes Junction, which will get you to the Freeway quicker, or keep going strait and go through the little town of Bumble Bee.

Alternatively, you can take the Senator Highway toward Prescott or Mayer, this can be a very interesting trail during snow season. If you have the time, follow Towers Mountain rd through Crown King and up to the top of Towers Mountain, there are some excellent views and you can join back up with the Senator Highway afterward.

This is in the distant future, but if there is interest we need to pick dates to figure out lodging, save gas money and maybe even book a flight if anyone wants to join.

It's cold enough here in the winter that some might want to do a motel. Also there is good camping all over North Phoenix and the trails are fairly close to Lake Pleasant.

Dates that need to be discussed are

Winter Truckhaven Run

Superbowl / FBR Golf Tourney is Feb 3 weekend so that is out.

Maybe we'll set up a poll for

Dec 7-9 and we can see the WWW.AZtruckexpo.com
Jan 11-13
Jan 14-20

Suggestions? Ideas?

AZ has wheelin we can all enjoy



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I'm definatly interested. I'm still waiting to hear when my Annual CA camping trip is schedued for.. Normally its the 3rd weekend that is a full week, but I haven't heard yet.. Once I know my Ca camping trip I'll know about a Phx run.. but assuming no date conflict, I'll be there.


:cool:I want to try for this...

Pink Jeeps!?! Blee1099, sounds like its your turn to fly out west!


The Dec. date would not be good since it's too soon after the turkey day run at truckhaven.

Jan 14-20 might be bad depending on when the Feb truckhaven is...

so I think the best date might be Jan 11-13....

but we will see what the other folks think

How about March? Weather is usually really good.

I think March sounds pretty good. There's 2 cool dudes who have the same birthdate and can celebrate it. :D

Baby Stic-o is due end of January so March would be better (depending on Stic-o job status!) We look forward to a nice weekend road trip!!! might even have the Zuk done who knows!!!

Okay, March it is, we do have Easter on Sunday the 23rd.

Any suggestions on skipping the holiday or using that as an excuse for those who get time off or maybe have spring break for students or their kids?

As long as i can still drive out then ride along, count me and my little boy in. I have decided that he rolls with me from now on....

Maybe or maybe not for me. I would like to get out there one of these days. I will watch this thread. Chile Challenge is here in NM middle of February and I am tenatively planning a So Cal trip Feb or March already with the Explorer.

Good to see Kampys old truck being put to good use!

By march i should be able to bring the blazer....

If this happens in March then I have plenty of time to make this one. All it takes is a lil bit of money ;) hehe I really want to make this one.:cool:

Good to see Kampys old truck being put to good use!

I got my best friend Dustin to buy that thing when Kampy was thinking of parting it out.

Right now he's in pretty deep in Iraq. We're closer than brothers, he calls about every two weeks. Military Police convoy work, definitely laying it on the line. On my way back from Truckhaven I was told a sniper hit a guy 3 feet from him, they had him in the hospital getting attention in 9 minutes and he will recover.

I'd like to round up a bed or bedsides, front fenders and a paint job before he gets back...kinda my own little episode of Overhaulin for when he's back in June.

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well, we'll have to make sure colin brings the trailer again.....
