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CT explorer hooters run



I was thinking us CT explorers could meet up at hooters on the berlin turnpike on 07/19. We could meet up eat some wings drink some beer bs a little bit try to get some pics of our X's with some hooters chicks. Then afterwards we could go cruise the pike for a little? Im thinking a good meeting time would be around 6pm. If interested please pm me or respond here so I can make a list of people and send a count to Hooters and get a reservation.

Thanks guys and I look forward to meeting you all.

So Far:

Rydinhigh (Mike)
Rx4phun (Gary)

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Hey man i am interested but I think you meant maybe 07/19 rather than 06/19. Right? If so count me in.

Lol yes gary it will be for 07/19. Thanks bro. (man I need to get out of work and go home and get some sleep):confused:


I like your idea. And I would love to meet some fellow members of the forum. But for me it will definitely be a problem. You see, unlike you guys I'm a mom to two children. And although the oldest is 18, the youngest is 10. And before you tell me to ask the older girl to watch the younger, she will be leaving at 6:00 AM that morning with my brother on a 12 hour ride to Michigan to meet the online friend she has been talking to for 2 years. My brother will be acting as a chaperone. So I'll still have the youngest home with me, and Hooters is not a suitable place to bring a child. She does, however love when I ask her if she would love to go for a ride with me. So if there is another place we could meet up along the Berlin Turnpike, I'll be there. I'll just need to know how I'll recognize you guys and the time. Me, I'm the one who will be driving a dark blue Explorer Sport with a SoBe decal on the back window, plus I'll have a child with me.

If that's cool with you guys, let me know. :)

Sandy I might have seen you around somewhere before, well your X at least. Thats fine with me. You can look at my sig for pics of my X.

Originally posted by Rx4phun
Sandy I might have seen you around somewhere before, well your X at least. Gary

I wouldn't be surprised Gary. I'm in and around Kensington quite a bit. The church I attend is on Kensington Road, so you might have seen it there or somewhere around. :)

Lately I've been taking my brother to his part-time job in Cromwell, because his Explorer's brakes need work. He should have it fixed by the end of the week though. Anyway, when I take him, I go through Kensington on the way there

Originally posted by Rx4phun
You can look at my sig for pics of my X.

She's beautiful. You do have a very distinctive license plate. There is no missing that :)

Hi Sandy nice to meet you. I understand your baby sitting issues. There are a couple of options we have though. 1. You could meet up with us afterwards. 2. My pregnanat fiancee would love to baby sit (she loves kids). 3 We can eat some where else. What ever you and everyone else wants to do is fine with me. I would just like to meet up with some fellow X'ers in the area. Nice meeting you and maybe ill see you around. I live in east hartford and am on the berling turnpike every fri. and sat. night. I have a 95 green xlt that says RYDIN' HIGH on the front windshield.

Hey Mike,

I'll meet up with you guys outside Hooters afterwards. I'll be there around 6:45 - 7:00. If your not finished eating by then I'll just look for your trucks and park near them :)

rydinhigh - Thanks for the invite..... but my truck is still not finished!!! lol. I have been so busy and never have anytime to work on it. I still need to paint my cowl hood, paint my rear hatch door, paint and install my saleen side skirts, replace my O2 sensors, and get my MSD fixed.

I am planning to attack some of that this weekend.....
The truck should be on the road soon and if I can make it I will let you know... as of now probably not :( ....
But once its together Ill be up at the pike and will be sure to hook up with you and let you check it out!

Dude you still should come even just to bs. It should be a good time. Hopefully more people will come.

more people need to come. We still planning on 6 pm? You dont have to have a finished X or even one at all


that's last month

I'll come, what are the real dates?

has to be afternoon/evening for me to make it. I have to work until 12 and then I have a side job after that which will probably be 3 hrs....so I will be there for sure after that where ever you guys plan to meet.

Ya, that's cool. I must have missed that post...I skimmed it real quick.

I saw you guys nixed Hooters...new place?

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My brother was telling me the other day that Hooters has great food, so I got onto their web site. I found out that they have a children's menu, so bringing Jennie in there wouldn't be a problem. If I can get my brother to leave a decent amount of money to run the household while he's away, I'll join you guys there, otherwise, I will stick with the previous plan.

Let me know if that's ok :)
