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Completed Project Dana 44 and 3 link install

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Since the AZ wheeling season is finally upon us, I decided it was time to put my new truck in the shop for a little tweaking to better handle the trails around here. A little about what I started with:

Specs: 5 speed, manual tcase, 5.13's, discs and no slip in rear, 37 MTR's(street) and 36 TSL's(rocks).

The goal for this project was to build something that was able to drive to the hardest trails in AZ, run them successfully, and then drive home. It must also be able to be driven everyday as this is my main source of transportation. All decisions were made with a bias towards trail performance, instead of street comfort.

Build Specs:

Dana 44 - Left over from my last project.
- Warn shafts, CTM's, Detroit, 5.13's, Hi-steer setup, etc.
King Coilovers - 14" travel, 2" body
King Airbumps - 4" travel
Custom 3 link w/ panhard rod

All fabrication work is being performed by 4 Wheelers Supply here in Phoenix.

Work started Monday. Progress as of lunch today.

Old front end has been stripped out, frame rail have been ground smooth in preperation for reinforcement plating, axle location has been determined, ride height is set. Items in the engine compartment have been relocated in preperation for the shock hoops and the crossbar that will connect them across the engine bay(next two pics).


I hope to stop in again at the shop Tues or Wed next week (it is a 45 drive away) and have better progress pics of the actual layout of the links, as well as the hoops for the coilovers.

Estimated completion date is sometime the first week of December.

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hehehe I doubt it.

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RockRanger said:
Looks nice Michael. Hope to see you at thaven for newyears. It will be my first trip out with my solid axle swap as well.

Also could you get a shot of the frame mount for the upper link? The one up by where the cats are.

I think I'm going to spend New Years here instead, but I will be there in Feb. I'll run it somewhere close to home that weekend just in case ;) .

You can see the mount a little in the pics above, but I'll get you some good ones of it on Tuesday after I pick it up.

IZwack - I don't know. I know there are a few other link suspensions out there, but I have never counted the 3's vs the 4's.

034x4 said:
Thats badass! Nice welds, TIG ? sweet.

Nope, MIG in the hands of a very talented welder.

not to mention the rest of the fab, top notch! $7500???? OUCHY

likely worth every penny

I can see $7500 being relistic for what you are doing.

$1200 shocks
$500 bump stops
$400 heim joints
$300 new rear shafts
$500 New steering setup
$200 Steel for links and cross members

$3100 just there in parts.

Probbaly could toss 200-1000 more on there for new rims as well and Im sure I forgot some more stuff needed.

take the rest for labor at $60 an hour and that leaves 73 hours to do all the work. For what you are getting seems like a pretty good deal. It would probably take me more the 73 hours to do that swap let alone the thousands more in tools you would have to buy to do it yourself. Doing it yourself isnt always the chapest way to go.

I went back through the pictures and saw the uper 3 link mount Cant wait to see the finished product in feburary.

Notto mention the cost of the axle and all the stuff he's got into that!

most expensive hobby ever? :)

410Fortune said:
most expensive hobby ever? :)

I used to think that, but the ladies I work with are into horses and roping. :eek: That is one crazy expensive hobby right there.

I quit thinking about the money a long time ago, instead I focus on the fun that I have and the good friendships that have been born out of this. Best investment I ever made. ;)

Yes it is, I was gonna say it is in a close running with my love for about expensive, you think our tow ropes cose some $$$....boat, tower, equipment, maintenece, gas, oh my :)

Michael said:
I quit thinking about the money a long time ago, instead I focus on the fun that I have and the good friendships that have been born out of this. Best investment I ever made. ;)

I couldnt agree more. I met some of my Best Friends on all the wild Trips I have been on. I cant put a price tag on that...

Look at this OLD picture I found of this Truck. this Was taken right after Brian put the orignal 2wd 6" skyjacker on it. BIG changes have been made on that Explorer...


Nice pic Kris, it looks just a touch different now.

It's home :D . It is such a vast difference driving it now vs before. It solid and predictable, and it goes where you point it :confused: . It does have a fair amount of body lean caused by the soft rear springs. It was suggested to play around with a sway bar on the rear to see what that does as far as body lean. We think the sway bar will also help even out the flex a little bit. The rear is so soft that it is taking away from the fronts ability to work. But I want to wheel it and drive it a little more before I do to much to it. I still have to take it tomorrow and get the exhaust refabbed to go around the links in the front.

Pics from tonight, sorry no flex pics as I forgot my camera when I went to the shop. But trust me when I say it has a wee bit'o flex ;) .

New winch bumper, as you can tell I like the winch tucked up high and far back in there. The grill was cut out to fit around it.



Ride height on tires view of front suspension.

That is all for tonight. I'll get more pics of specific parts if anyone wants tomorrow, I'll also get one of the belly skid that they built for the tcase.

there is a pool of drool on my desk now

Very Nice :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Can I recomend a can of paint though :D

Michael, that is BAD ASS! I need to get mine reworked with some coil overs. Absolutely love the front bumper! Can you take a couple of close up pics of the enginge x-member? I know there was one on an earlier page but maybe a different angle?

Too bad you won't be at truck Haven for New Years, so I can't wait to see it In Feb.!

That is purely sick. Throw some paint on the suspension work and axle and it'll look clean as hell.

Bumper looks great! What size tubing?

Very nice michael. Cant wait to see it in feburary. You are right about the friendships made, cant put a price on those.

Yes Those rear springs are Soft since there originals from my Navajo 2dr. springs.

If you want a sway bar for the Rear I have one. Looking very good please tell me I get to Drive her when I see her. I wanna see how big of a difference it made

Very nice :D I like the front bumper and the recessed winch :thumbsup:


I step away for a year or two...and look what happens.

Another great build Michael.


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wow. Nice bumper.
They did a number on that engine X member too!

Dont cut your hands on that grill when winching (I say ditch the whole center part and make somethng else work.
