Dana 60 or 61? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dana 60 or 61?


Elite Explorer
October 11, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Ex/79F250: X250
I'm looking at buying my ring and pinion and lockers now, but I need to know what axle I have in the rear.
Does anyone here know how to tell the difference between a dana 60 and dana 61 axle?
Does Dana have a website I'm not able to find?

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Try doing a search on the PBB forums at www.pirate4x4.com I know this has been talked about a number of times over there but I don't remember what the answer is. I think a 61 only came in Ford trucks though and there should be some numbers cast into the housing that say 60 or 61 on it somehow.

I would say it is a DANA 60. I have never heard of a DANA 61. Probaly the reason you can't find a web site for DANA is because DANA is a subsidary of a parent company but I can't remember who.

I am wrong about DANA being a subsidary.
here is their web address

A Dana 61 was most commonly found in Ford Vans. The diff housing and yoke are offset to the pass. side by a noticeable amount. I have seen one and you can tell by just looking at it. A Dana 60 diff will be centered within a few inches or so. I would guess you have a 60 and not a 61.

Thanks all. I do have a 60. I'm so happy. Now I can proceed with the gear swap. I'm going to attempt this myself, aswell as the arb install on the front axle. Wish me luck.
