Whats stronger, Dana 44 or dana 60? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats stronger, Dana 44 or dana 60?

'97 V8

Explorer Addict
April 2, 2005
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ft. knox ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 mounty 5.0 4x4 baby!!
Well obviously a dana 60 over a stock dana 44. But my question is, a dana 44, built with 4340 chromoly shafts, ctm u-joints, a spool, and warn premuim lockouts compared to a completely rebuilt stock dana 60...new rotors, bearings, seals, calipers, lockouts and u-joints...oh forgot and a ring and pinion.

WHats stronger?

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Maxed out 44 is probally close to stock 60 strength, however a 60 would be cheaper then. :rolleyes:

Stic-o said:
Maxed out 44 is probally close to stock 60 strength, however a 60 would be cheaper then. :rolleyes:

A lot cheaper. THe 60 im looking at is 1500 bucks.

for a stock 60? usually i see em go for 800-1000

But with all that, your moving the weaklink to the r&p, which really a day ender.

sn0border88 said:
for a stock 60? usually i see em go for 800-1000

But with all that, your moving the weaklink to the r&p, which really a day ender.

Yeah, i see the junkyard ones go for about 900 for a ford, and as a bonus you get the rear dana 60 as well. The one im looking at is completely rebuilt and has new everything. The only thing i would need is my hi steer arms and im good.

hmm. The thing is i get a gear choice with the axle, the gears are from yukon. I want 4.88's. I have a 14bolt rear end at home from when i had my blazer a couple years back. Disc brake coversion for that thing and a gear swap, i should be in business.

My best advice when considering the 44 vs. 60 is that if you don't need the strenght of a 60, the 44 is a whole lot less weight. two people can easily move around a fully dressed 44, not gonna happen with a 60. Invest in an engine hoist.

Honestly $1500 for a full rebuilt D60 front with your gear choice is a really good deal. Buy a used one for $1000 and you will spend more than $500 rebuilding and gearing it. Its the nickle and dime stuff like bearings, kingpins (or balljoints) and brakes that get ya.

When trying to decide between a D60 or D44 front, you gotta go on potential tire choice. If you know without a doubt you will never go bigger than a 37, maybe a skinny 38, then a built D44 will be fine. If you have just the slightest doubt that you may want to go bigger one day, then dont waste money on a D44 go with the D60 from the start. Its a helluva lot cheaper to start with a 60 than it is to start with a 44, build the 44, sell the 44 at a loss and then go get a 60. :p:

And FYI 2 men can indeed move around a full dress D60 front its just really going to depend on what 2 men you are talking about. :D

james t said:
Honestly $1500 for a full rebuilt D60 front with your gear choice is a really good deal. Buy a used one for $1000 and you will spend more than $500 rebuilding and gearing it. Its the nickle and dime stuff like bearings, kingpins (or balljoints) and brakes that get ya.

When trying to decide between a D60 or D44 front, you gotta go on potential tire choice. If you know without a doubt you will never go bigger than a 37, maybe a skinny 38, then a built D44 will be fine. If you have just the slightest doubt that you may want to go bigger one day, then dont waste money on a D44 go with the D60 from the start. Its a helluva lot cheaper to start with a 60 than it is to start with a 44, build the 44, sell the 44 at a loss and then go get a 60. :p:

And FYI 2 men can indeed move around a full dress D60 front its just really going to depend on what 2 men you are talking about. :D

Precisely. When my SAS is done I want to go with 37's or 38's. But definatly down the line i may go bigger. Well i guess i now know what im getting. Thanks everyone for the information, really appreciate it!

[QUOTE='97 V8]Precisely. When my SAS is done I want to go with 37's or 38's. But definatly down the line i may go bigger. Well i guess i now know what im getting. Thanks everyone for the information, really appreciate it![/QUOTE]

if your going to go with 37's or 38's and a good chance of going bigger in the future i'd go with 5.13's over the 4.88's

Go 5.13's.. they are nice :thumbsup: :D

We'll see. Now for the knuckles on the kingpin dana 60, will i have to get them machined or can i mount the hi steer arms right away?

I was going to go 5.13s but my local 4wd shop talked me into 4.88s. He said the overdrive in the AOD can easily handle 37/38s with the 4.88. So the 5.13s would hardly differ from 4.88s.

well I guess he does have the 5.ooohh.

Whatever floats your boat :p:

Any insight to get hi steer arms? Do i need to get the knuckles machined?

yes, i dont think any truck ever came with both sides drilled and tapped, they had one or the other usually drivers side.

Dedenbears. :cool:

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