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Wanted Dash surround

Parts or services wanted


Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
I'm looking for one of these..
Or if anyone can do a 3D scan of one of these, that'd be amazing.

Otherwise it's a ship to the UK job.




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I don’t think I’ve ever seen any surround like that in the junkyards I hit in Wyoming and Colorado USA…

It does look like the 03-05
Bezel from tracs
Maybe 04-11 ranger also

Is that
Black or charcoal?

I have one in light grey I believe

Charcoal. Rangers have a round light button hole. 03+tracs have the oblong hole.
I'll take either a ranger or trac.

Basically I need to get it 3d scanned and flipped for RHD use.


So the light grey one will work! It’s from 05 ranger I can get a picture

Is there any way I can 3d scan it for you? We could avoid all sorts of shipping and such. I have quite a few connections here I can look see if anyone I know has this ability

Okay I have one from a ranger and one from 03 sport trax so if I can scan it I assume you would like the oblong hole from the trax one

If I sell you one it would have to be the ranger unit as I will be building the sport trax

Are you able to scan it? That would be so much easier and obviously I would pay you for your time.
And yes please oblong one.



I will find out today have to call my fabrication shop buddy

If not I can just sell you the light grey unit or ship it to you and then you can ship it back? Either way I would like to help!

Okay so I checked two of my dashes and apparently they are not good enough!


This is from 05 ranger and apparently not the correct part

I have two more dashes in storage I will check them today I have a 07 ranger and a 04 sport trac one of them should have that oval for the light switches


I'll explain my reasoning. In Europe, we have rear foglights. So the button that you have over there for your front fog lights gets used for our rears and the lights in our front bumpers are illuminated with our full beams. We don't have front foglights.
So, I want to mirror the later style dash surround and utilise the factory switches so I can use my bumper lights as foglights and have my bar lights come on with my full beam



So you are after the later model light switch that includes the fog light turn on! Then the fog light switch by the radio will become for your rear lights

When I built my sport trac I used a explorer radio bezel deleted a rear defroster button and added a second factory fog light button I will use for driving lights


Lucky for me sport tracs dont have rear defrost

I’ll check my other dashes!


2004 Sport Trac, I don't know when they went to this style. The fog light switch is built into the headlight switch. Pull the switch toward you to turn the fog lights on.
