December 2013 TOTM - A Light Spectacular | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 2013 TOTM - A Light Spectacular


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
It is now time for the December 2013 TOTM - "A Light Spectacular."

Lets face it: If it was not for head lights, turn signals, brake lights, interior lights, and additional lighting we could not be wheeling at night, driving at night, or doing anything in our vehicles at night. If we add this to the fact that it is December the we have a fun theme.

December 2013 TOTM - A Light Spectacular

This can be anything you have added, modified, or created to give you light. Did you decorate your rig for Christmas? Add new under body lights to see those pesky obstacles? Or did you just want more lights for the street? Its up to you!

Nominations will be accepted until: December 18 and voting will begin on December 19th. (EXTENSION UNTIL SUNDAY THE 22nd)!


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  • 1D7_2681_sml.jpg
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That's a pretty nice photo Rick. Is it a time lapse?

I think that was a 10 - 15 minute exposure. The lights were turned on and off really quick. I actually walked through the frame, got in the truck, turned on the lights, got back out of the truck, and walked to the camera during the exposure. You just can't see any of it :D


We need some more submissions for this month.

I don't even want mine to be counted in the voting.

The contest is for our members, not me ;)

Here's a couple pictures of mine, I've had a couple different light setup's on my rig over the years.







Here is mine! I have more lights on the way but it wont be done by the deadline!


Rick, that photo is AWESOME. :thumbsup:

I'll throw my hat into the ring, although this is an older photo from a few years ago.


It is now time for the December 2013 TOTM - "A Light Spectacular."

Lets face it: If it was not for head lights, turn signals, brake lights, interior lights, and additional lighting we could not be wheeling at night, driving at night, or doing anything in our vehicles at night. If we add this to the fact that it is December the we have a fun theme.

December 2013 TOTM - A Light Spectacular

This can be anything you have added, modified, or created to give you light. Did you decorate your rig for Christmas? Add new under body lights to see those pesky obstacles? Or did you just want more lights for the street? Its up to you!

Nominations will be accepted until: December 18 and voting will begin on December 19th.


best in photos be real

here's what i got...the sport is being replaced at the moment though, so it's more like what i had haha! the rest of these photos are great!!



I'll play...


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We need more Nominations for this month! Come on get your pictures up.

Not the best picture but ran out of time to go take some good ones.


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