Do you think Verizon will hold up now that theyre hosting the iPhone 4? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do you think Verizon will hold up now that theyre hosting the iPhone 4?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
Verizon Wireless will now have the iPhone 4 (Only AT&T has had the iPhones)

They went on sale online today, and are for sale in stores tomorrow.

I was gonna be one of those millions of people to switch,
1. I hate AT&T, thats why I never had an iPhone that was on a plan.
2. AT&T's iPhone bills are ridiculous, you have to pay for EVERY SINGLE thing you want, texting, pic mail, minutes, data, etc.
3. I hear nothing good about call quality on AT&T with any of the iPhones. 4. I am getting fed up with Sprints data plans. I have to pay double just to have unlimited data so I can get the better phones, PLUS since I have the Epic 4G, I have to pay an extra 10$ a month for 4G data, even though theres only one 4G tower in Michigan they said, which happens to be HOURS away from me, which means no 4G for me.

I talked myself out of it because all these rumors that the Verizon networks wont be able to handle the iPhones. They were saying when all the Android phones came out, that the demand for data was skyrocketting, and they could barely support that. I am frequently using the net on my phone, but when theres WiFi around, I switch over from the network, to Wifi.

I love my phone (Samsung Epic 4G, Android) but the battery life is beyond words ridiculous. I used Pandora last night at work, screen on about 10% brightness, sent/recieved about 50 texts (On silent) and browsed EF for a good hour. I went into work at 515, battery at 100%. By 8 it was down to 50% I didnt even start pandora until about 6, same with the net. I charged it on break in the car for about 20 minutes, then used another good hour of pandora, texts and maybe 35 minutes of web, and by the time I left at 10:30, it was down to 23%.
Also, it wa plugged into the radio at work, so the music wasnt even played through the phones speaker.

I have always loved Apple products, the iPhones being my favorite. The battery life is beyond words AMAZING on them, and everythings so smooth.

Now theres talk of the iPhone 5 coming, so thats another reason why im holding back.

Any of you guys switching tomorrow? Theres gotta be someone :p:

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I didn't realise how fortunate I was to be able to shop around for iPhone plans... Here in the UK we had a single provider for the iPhone for a while, but now there are loads of networks that offer it.

I now have the 32GB iPhone 4 on T-Mobile and the battery life is great, but the camera is pretty disappointing. I was able to take great pics with my old phone, a Samsung Tocco Ultra.

considering android phones use more data then iphones, and verizon was flooded with androids, YES they can handle iphones..... att is more interested in cutting bigger checks then actual service upgrades.

have always had Verizon. no interest anymore in the iphone especially after playing with a droid. But I did stay up till 3am just to get one for my sister- shes giving me her itouch since she will have no need for it anymore. I can pretty much anywhere and I will have service. one of my best friends switched to verizon from at&t. we would be standing next to each other and he would never have service. Up north (NY), verizon is best. Down south, its AT&T... from what ive heard..

Eh, AT&T is sketchy around here. It seems theyre the only ones who get service in my class, NO other phones do. I have Sprint, and have friends with Tmobile, Verizon, all the other major ones, and NONE get signal there besides AT&T.

Verizon works great out in the pointe, where no one else really does,

Sprint works great in the malls, and buildings, where no other really does.

So im not really sure. I LOVE Android, and how customizeable it is, but im a diehard Apple fan.

Ilikemice, the camera on yours is the 5MP right? Thats what my Epic has, and it takes great photos. (Maybe I think this because my HTC Hero was like a 1MP)
