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dome/courtesy light question

Tubin' Louie

New Member
September 24, 2004
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City, State
San Jose, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport
I have a 1995 Explorer Sport.

The dome/courtesy lights do NOT come on when any door is opened. Should they..??

I can get the lights to work with manual switches, dome light will come on with dash switch next to headlight switch.


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Yeah, they should light up when the door is opened. The switch isn't all the way down is it? If the illumination adjustment thing is down it will override the door switches.

I don't know if they had that override as early as 95.....

The hatch doesn't turn on the lights either? Do you now what the X was used for previously?

Some police departments cut the wires......

ok, i got one, my door lights turns on when the any door or hatch is open. but last week the 2 dome lights gave up, at the same time, i took the blub out of the front and it looks good, i will check with a curcit tester later but are the dome lights on there own fuse???

The dome lamps are on the same fuse as the radio memory ....

I checked the dash switch....NOPE, it was NOT all the way down....I tried it in multiple positions...

Does it give you the warning chime when you leave the lights on/keys in?

Crankcase said:
I don't know if they had that override as early as 95.....

The hatch doesn't turn on the lights either?

NO, it doesn't. Neither of the front passenger doors do either.

Do you now what the X was used for previously?

One of my boss's personal cars....but he did buy it used....

Mbrooks420 said:
Does it give you the warning chime when you leave the lights on/keys in?

YES! The Explorer knows when doors are open, so I would assume the door switches are working.

When keys are in ignition and:

* driver door is open - red "door ajar" light appears on dash, AND there is a friendly chime every second erso.

* passenger or rear hatch door is open - red "door ajar" light appears on dash, AND there is a friendly SNGLE chime.

ive got this same issue.
96 XLT
the doors chime with the keys in, but no dome lights work with any door. anyone come up with a solution yet?

Not to hi jack the tread but does anyone know the time the comp overrides the map lights and shuts them off? I've left them on a few times and thankfully they were overridden and saved me a dead battery.

Dome lights will shut off after 20 minutes I believe. Didn't think the map lights had this feature.

Sorry. haven't heard any help on the dome light issue yet. I know my X had an aftermarket alarm installed. Wondering if those lugnuts might have done something like cut a wire..?? Do you have an aftermarket alarm..??

I do have an aftermarket alarm / remote start system. But got that installed over a year ago and dome lights worked up until this past week or so.

I have another explorer where the intermitten wipers do not work. They stop half way up the windsheild. They work fine in regular mode. From research on this site I think I might be the GEM. cause I have already replaced the wiper moter and mulit function switch.

do you think the GEM might control the dome lights too?

Dome lights will shut off after 20 minutes I believe. Didn't think the map lights had this feature.
Its saved me more than once, now leaving the headlights on is another story.

The GEM controls everything electrical in the Ex, so if you are having those other problems it may very well be related to the GEM.
