No courtesy lights or 3rd brake light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No courtesy lights or 3rd brake light


New Member
July 23, 2016
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City, State
Stevens Point
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer Sport
1994 Ford Explorer Sport 4x4
Opening the doors or twisting the headlight switch will not turn the dome or door lights on. The high mount brake light also doesn't work. The dome lights turn on with their switches. The dinger works when the headlights are on and the door is opened so the door switches are working. Fuses check out good. What else is there?

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Does yours have keyless entry? There is a module that works the interior lights when you hit the remote button. I'm almost sure that the module interprets the door switch, then turns on the lights via grounding a relay.

Easiest way to tell if it might have keyless, is look at the interior mirror. If it has the electronic one with auto headlights, chances are you truck also has the keyless option as it was part of an electric group package available on 93-94. I will also post a pic of the programming connection and it's location. This will nail it down if you have the option installed.

I think your 3rd brake light issue is a separate problem. The holder for the bulbs is common to break. Have some one hit the brakes and check for voltage at the 2 wire connector.

Does yours have keyless entry? There is a module that works the interior lights when you hit the remote button. I'm almost sure that the module interprets the door switch, then turns on the lights via grounding a relay.

Easiest way to tell if it might have keyless, is look at the interior mirror. If it has the electronic one with auto headlights, chances are you truck also has the keyless option as it was part of an electric group package available on 93-94. I will also post a pic of the programming connection and it's location. This will nail it down if you have the option installed.
Normal mirror, could it have a timer relay? Someone else mentioned that their Sport model's lights shut off after so long. In the rear, driver's side quarter panel are 3 relays, trailer wiring harness, and the 4x4 model around the reservoir, nothing else though.

Something simple, but have you checked to make sure that the bulbs are good? The dome light in the roof has 3 bulbs in it. One comes on with the doors open and then there are two map lights controlled by those switches.

Same goes with the high mount brake light. Are the bulbs in it good?

Something simple, but have you checked to make sure that the bulbs are good? The dome light in the roof has 3 bulbs in it. One comes on with the doors open and then there are two map lights controlled by those switches.

Same goes with the high mount brake light. Are the bulbs in it good?
Bulbs are all good.

If you can't turn on the dome light with the headlight switch, it's the switch.
since everything else is good.

If the dimmer function still works it just needs a shot of circuit cleaner

Do the lights in the doors and the one by the tailgate go through that switch too because they don't come on either?

